[Xmonad] darcs patch: simplify shift, removing unneeded check.
Donald Bruce Stewart
dons at cse.unsw.edu.au
Tue Jun 26 00:13:46 EDT 2007
> Just a little cleanup...
> Sun Jun 24 08:08:51 PDT 2007 David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>
> * simplify shift, removing unneeded check.
Content-Description: A darcs patch for your repository!
> New patches:
> [simplify shift, removing unneeded check.
> David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20070624150851]
> <
> > {
> hunk ./StackSet.hs 479
> -- The actual focused workspace doesn't change. If there is -- no
> -- element on the current stack, the original stackSet is returned.
> --
> -shift :: (Ord a, Eq s, Integral i) => i -> StackSet i a s -> StackSet i a s
> -shift n s = if and [n >= 0,n `tagMember` s, n /= tag (workspace (current s))]
> +shift :: (Ord a, Eq s, Eq i) => i -> StackSet i a s -> StackSet i a s
> +shift n s = if n `tagMember` s && n /= tag (workspace (current s))
> then maybe s go (peek s) else s
> where go w = foldr ($) s [view (tag (workspace (current s))),insertUp w,view n,delete w]
> -- ^^ poor man's state monad :-)
> }
Incorrect type ?
/home/dons/bin/ghc -I/usr/obj/cabal -o /usr/obj/cabal/xmonad/xmonad --make -hide-all-packages -i -i/usr/obj/cabal/autogen -i. -odir /usr/obj/cabal/xmonad/xmonad-tmp -hidir /usr/obj/cabal/xmonad/xmonad-tmp -package base-2.0 -package X11-1.2.2 -package X11-extras-0.2 -package mtl-1.0 -package unix-1.0 -funbox-strict-fields -O2 -fasm -Wall -optl-Wl,-s -fglasgow-exts Main.hs
[1 of 6] Compiling StackSet ( StackSet.hs, /usr/obj/cabal/xmonad/xmonad-tmp/StackSet.o )
Could not deduce (Integral i) from the context (Ord a, Eq s, Eq i)
arising from use of `delete' at StackSet.hs:487:83-90
Possible fix: add (Integral i) to the type signature(s) for `shift'
In the expression: delete w
In the third argument of `foldr', namely
`[view (tag (workspace (current s))), insertUp w, view n,
delete w]'
In the expression:
[view (tag (workspace (current s))), insertUp w, view n, delete w]
Or it depends on your 'delete' patch?
-- Don
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