[Xmonad] eliminating Workspace?

Spencer Janssen sjanssen at cse.unl.edu
Mon Jun 18 16:37:20 EDT 2007

On Sat, 16 Jun 2007 13:26:25 -0700
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have an idea that I'd rather run by folks before
> implementing--particularly as my tag-as-not-Num patches haven't been
> accepted.  I'd like to add a tag field to Stack
> data Stack i a = Stack { data   :: !i        -- name of this stack
>                        , focus  :: !a        -- focused thing in this
> set , up     :: [a]       -- clowns to the left
>                        , down   :: [a] }     -- jokers to the right
>     deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
> and thus eliminate the Workspace data type.

This means that all stack manipulating functions need to keep track of
this tag, a bit of a pain in my opinion.

> The goal of this would be to also eliminate the Screen and StackSet
> types, replacing them with something like:
> type Workspace i a = Either i (Stack i a)

This is where the tag becomes painful :).  (i, Maybe (Stack a)) is much
nicer in my opinion (or an equivalent named record).

> tag :: Workspace i a -> i
> tag (Left i) = i
> tag (Right s) = data s
> type Screen i a sid = Stack sid (Workspace i a)
> screen :: Screen i a sid -> sid
> screen = data
> workspace :: Screen i a sid -> Workspace i a
> workspace = focus . stack'
> type StackSet i a sid = Stack (M.Map a RationalRect)

It looks like you missed something in the definition of StackSet.
Perhaps you mean 'Stack (Map a Rect) (Workspace i a)'?

> floating :: StackSet i a sid -> M.Map a RationalRect
> floating = data
> current :: StackSet i a sid -> Screen i a sid
> current = focus
> visible :: StackSet i a sid -> [Screen i a sid]
> visible s = reverse (up s) ++ down s
> hidden :: StackSet i a sid -> [Workspace i a]
> hidden s = map h (integrate s) where h scr = up scr ++ down scr
> As you can see, the idea would be to use type to define synonyms for
> the current data types, and functions to define accessors that grant
> the same information as the current data structures (with almost the
> same API).  And indeed, Workspace, Screen and StackSet would still
> each be distinct types, so we aren't losing any typesafety.
> I think that code will be simplified: the same function can shift
> focus between Screens, Workspaces and Windows.  We'll need a new
> function (easily written) to shift a Workspace to a given Screen, but
> on the whole things look to me like they'll be nicer.
> This data structure includes a bit more information than our current
> StackSet, in that it associates each Workspace with a given Screen.
> This was recently requested as an option, so I think this is a good
> thing.  Note that this doesn't require a change of behavior, is just
> make the existing behavior slightly more complicated, and the
> behavior where Workspaces are pinned associated with screens
> possible.  I only have one screen, but I can certainly imagine that
> if I had one large and one small screen, I might like to be able to
> designate certain Workspaces for either one or the other.

I have a gut feeling that this will significantly complicate a few
core functions.  'view' (and the new proposed version, greedyView)
seem to be a bit painful with this proposal.  'rescreen' will also
become more complicated.

> As you can tell, this is part of my scheme to make xmonad code
> prettier.  I greatly dislike having so many distinct data types, each
> implementing basically the same sort of functionality in different
> ways:
> * StackSet stores which Screen has focus... and which Workspaces
> aren't visible.
> * Screen stores which Workspace has focus on that screen, but has no
>   information about unfocussed Workspaces (those are in StackSet).
> * Workspace stores which Window has focus, and also which other
> windows are on that Workspace.
> This is almost but not quite symmetric, and that bothers me.  It also
> has the result that the order of Workspaces is not stored anywhere
> except in the workspace tags, which means we need to sort the
> workspaces in RotView. So we store focus-order (which is also
> enforced to be stacking order now) for Windows, but not for
> Workspaces or Screens.  Which among other things means that there's
> no nice way for a user (or XMonadContrib module) to alter the focus
> order for either Screens or Workspaces.
> Anyhow, comments, suggestions and estimates as to whether such a
> drastic change would be accepted will all be appreciated.

There is a fundamental tension here: the original authors perceive
StackSet as a structure indexed by workspace ids, but you'd like to use
it as a rotational structure.  The current implementation is well
optimized for the operations supported by the core -- I'm reluctant to
complicate core operations to simplify operations in a contrib module.

Spencer Janssen

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