[Xmonad] more WS indicator stuff
Robert Manea
rob.manea at googlemail.com
Sat Jun 16 13:52:09 EDT 2007
So, here's a script to perfectly - well almost - mimic dwm's statusbar tag
Almost perfect because i haven't found a simple way to switch xmonad
workspaces with an external program.
Actually we can do something dwm does not provide, namely have the
workspaces color coded, i find this very useful as you dont have to read
the tags anymore - just look at the color and you know where you are :).
The current solution is perl pased, simply because i'm more comfortable
with perl than with haskell, though this would make a rather cool
contrib modules if anyone cares to haskellize it..
Obligatory shots:
So, here it goes:
# ws-color.pl (c) 2007, Robert Manea
# requires dzen >= 0.5.0
# Usage:
# xmonad | ws-menucolor.pl | dzen2 -m h -l nr_of_workspaces
use warnings;
use strict;
# define the workspace names
# and the associated colors
my %wscolors = (
"1:dev" => "^#aecf96^#000000",
"2:mail" => "^#000000^#e6cf90",
"3:web" => "^#000000^#829dbd",
"4:comm" => "^#000000^#7cab71",
"5:ham" => "^#aecf96^#000000",
"6:tmp" => "^#000000^#e7ab91"
while(<>) {
my @wsin = split /\s+/, $_;
for my $w (@wsin) {
my $doprint = 1;
for (keys %wscolors) {
if($w =~ /\[${_}\]/) {
print $wscolors{"$_"}, $w, "\n";
$doprint = 0; last;
print $w, "\n" if $doprint && $w;
DynamicLogTag.hs, don's version slightly adapted:
module XMonadContrib.DynamicLogTag (dynamicLogTag) where
-- Useful imports
import XMonad
import Data.Maybe ( isJust )
import Data.List
import qualified StackSet as S
-- Perform an arbitrary action on each state change.
-- Examples include:
-- * do nothing
-- * log the state to stdout
-- An example logger, print a status bar output to dzen, in the form:
-- 1 2 [3] 4 7
dynamicLogTag :: X ()
dynamicLogTag = withWindowSet $ io . putStrLn . ppr
ppr s = concatMap fmt $ sortBy (compare `on` S.tag)
(map S.workspace (S.current s : S.visible s) ++ S.hidden s)
where this = S.tag (S.workspace (S.current s))
fmt w | S.tag w == this = "[" ++ pprTag w ++ "]"
| isJust (S.stack w) = " •" ++ pprTag w ++ " "
| otherwise = " " ++ pprTag w ++ " "
-- util functions
pprTag :: Integral i => S.Workspace i a -> String
pprTag = name . fromIntegral . S.tag
name 0 = "1:dev"
name 1 = "2:mail"
name 2 = "3:web"
name 3 = "4:comm"
name 4 = "5:ham"
name 5 = "6:tmp"
name n = " " ++ show (1 + n) ++ " "
on :: (a -> a -> c) -> (b -> a) -> b -> b -> c
on f g a b = (g a) `f` (g b)
-- END
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