[Xmonad] darcs patch: add new combo layout combiner.

David Roundy droundy at darcs.net
Mon Jun 11 21:51:01 EDT 2007

On Mon, Jun 11, 2007 at 03:50:16PM -0700, David Roundy wrote:
> This module subsumes the TwoTabbed layout, which should not be applied.
> David
> Mon Jun 11 15:49:22 PDT 2007  David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>
>   * add new combo layout combiner.

For the curious, I'm attaching a screenshot that demonstrates the use of
combo with twoPane and tabbed.  The manipulations of window order are ugly
(for some reason mod-shift-j/k don't work for me, and it's very confusing
swapping with "master" window), but the layout is approximately as flexible
as that of ion3, although we really ought to pass messages into lower-level
layouts, one way or another.  Still, it looks pretty nice to me, and it's
relatively easy to get things formatted as I'd like.  What we need now is a
twoPane that provides a handle to drag its divider back and forth.  Then
we'd be as flexible as the subset of ion3 that I use.

And even better would be a serialization of Layout state... of course, then
mosaic would be at least competitive with combo+tabbed+twoPane.

Oh, and in case you wonder about the source for this configuration:  it's
visible on the screenshot itself, if you look closely.
David Roundy
Department of Physics
Oregon State University
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