[Xmonad] darcs patch: add decorations infrastructure

David Roundy droundy at darcs.net
Sun Jun 10 11:52:56 EDT 2007

On Sun, Jun 10, 2007 at 01:31:17PM +1000, Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:
> >  - add another message type: data ViewMsg = View | Hide -- send this
> >  message to layouts on workspace change
> Ok, what's the case here? that a layout has drawn something on the
> screen depending on the workspace, and won't know that its moved to a
> new workspace?

The trouble is that when you switch layouts the old layout needs to know to
clean its decorations up, or they just sit there on the screen for the new
layout, which is pretty ugly.

> Perhaps doLayout should take (Stack a, WorkspaceId) ?

Possibly, but I believe this is orthogonal.  You need to give the "old"
layout a chance to clean up, and a Hide message (I think I called it
something else like ModifyWindows--sort of a stupid name) seems the
simplest way to do this.
David Roundy

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