[Xmonad] DynamicLog.hs and multiple xinerama screens

Donald Bruce Stewart dons at cse.unsw.edu.au
Sun Jun 10 07:21:35 EDT 2007

> Are there markers attached to workspaces that let you identify when a
> workspace is being displayed on a screen ?  This is as distinct (but
> similar to) whether a workspace is the current active workspace.
> At the moment, the output of DynamicLog is great, but since I have 2
> screens it would be good to know which workspace I have up on the
> other screen as well (so I don't keep tripping over grabbing it as I
> trawl my workspaces).  If there's a marker for which workspace is
> where I assume this should be a simple mod ?

The change would be:

    -             fmt w | S.tag w == this      = "[" ++ pprTag w ++ "]"
    -                   | S.stack w /= S.Empty = " " ++ pprTag w ++ " "
    -                   | otherwise            = ""
    +             visibles = map (S.tag . S.workspace) (S.visible s)
    +             fmt w | S.tag w == this         = "[" ++ pprTag w ++ "]"
    +                   | S.tag w `elem` visibles = "<" ++ pprTag w ++ ">"
    +                   | S.stack w /= S.Empty    = " " ++ pprTag w ++ " "
    +                   | otherwise               = ""

I've pushed this into XMonadContrib. Let me know if that does what you need.

-- Don

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