[Xmonad] floating layer questions

Avi Rozen avi.rozen at mobileye.com
Sun Jun 10 06:44:31 EDT 2007

> A naive mod-shift-t that calls 'float' on the window is pretty easy to
> write, but its not so useful. Really, the window also has to be moved /
> resized, to be noticeably in the floating layer.
wmii seems to remember the last size/position of a window before being
and restores that upon switching from tiled to floating layer.
And it's usually pretty noticeable - the tiled windows are normally
reordered as a result (it's similar
to closing a window).

> Perhaps file a bug report, that there's no way to float a window from
> the keyboard? Then we'll be forced to rememb^h^h^ addres this before 0.3
> comes out in a few weeks
Seems that a bug report already exists... (I could have  read it before
It covers keyboard control of float state.
I've added a comment regarding switching focus to the floating layer, before
launching applications.
> .
> Thanks for the feedback! You raise some good issues. Let me just confirm
> I've summarised them correctly, and the action we'll be taking:
>     1) floating status should be accesible from the keyboard (will be looked at)
>     2) certain apps should always be floating (to be added)
>     3) which apps are floating by default should be configurable (to be added)
>     4) ponder 'floating layer focus' as a simple way to ensure a window
>     starts floating. (useful idea to look at)
> So, stay tuned. Most of these we're already looking at, or actively
> writing code for :-)

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