[xmonad] Issue 105 in xmonad: Tabs become managed windows upon xmonad restart on multi-screen setups

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Tue Dec 18 16:40:50 EST 2007

Issue 105: Tabs become managed windows upon xmonad restart on 
multi-screen setups

Comment #3 by lit... at hethrael.com:
Yes, my Mod+Q is bound to "broadcastMessage ReleaseResources >> 
restart (Just
"xmonad") True". I am using a slightly-modified version of 
Template_Config.hs from
the xmonad wiki, but I have created a minimal config that exhibits the bug:

import XMonad
import XMonad.Layout.Tabbed
main = xmonad defaultConfig { layoutHook = tabbed shrinkText 
defaultTConf }

Although with a tabbed layout on each screen, it's even stranger: 
after testing the
bug with the minimal config above, I switched back to my config and 
I'm unable to
get rid of the extra empty spaces (like in tabbedbug2.png) by Mod+Space,
Mod+Shift+Space, or Mod+Q. (I haven't tried Mod+Shift+C 'cause I 
don't want to
restart my X session at the moment; I just banished the extra windows 
to an unused
workspace.) I'm not sure that they are real windows; they're the 
same color as my
root window, no border appears around them, and I cannot focus them 
with the mouse.
Of course, they are secondary to the tabbed bug and might not matter.

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