[Xmonad] a safer ghci prompt
Andrea Rossato
mailing_list at istitutocolli.org
Fri Aug 31 13:14:46 EDT 2007
On Thu, Aug 30, 2007 at 08:21:41PM +0200, Andrea Rossato wrote:
> Hi,
for the time being I'm working on the evaluation server. I thought to
go with socket so this is the first attempt.
Attached you'll find a new Heval. To compile:
ghc --make Heval.hs -o heval -package ghc
(requires the network package).
This one will work with telnet (I didn't write the XPrompt side yet).
To try it out:
1. run:
./heval &
2. connect with telnet:
telnet localhost 10490
3. start interacting with your Haskell evaluator.
To quit:
To stop the server:
The server will remember bound names between sessions. So:
let f n = n ^ n
will work after :quit (but not after :stop...;-).
The server is quite basic so far: if you run something like:
let x () = x () in x ()
it will get killed after 3 seconds.
[1..] will work though.
I'm using ghciu and hs-plugins code as examples.
Please let me know what you think. Is it useful something like this
(to be run from XMonad, I mean).
Thanks for your kind attention.
-------------- next part --------------
module Main where
import GHC
import DynFlags
import PackageConfig
import System.Environment
import Data.Char
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Network
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import System.Random
import System.Posix.Resource
ghcPath :: String
ghcPath = "/usr/lib/ghc-6.6.1"
rlimit :: ResourceLimit
rlimit = ResourceLimit 3
main :: IO ()
main = do
setResourceLimit ResourceCPUTime (ResourceLimits rlimit rlimit)
defaultErrorHandler defaultDynFlags $ do
ses <- initSession
serverLoop ses
initSession :: IO Session
initSession = do
ses <- newSession Interactive (Just ghcPath)
setSessionDynFlags ses =<< getSessionDynFlags ses
setContext ses [] [mkModule (stringToPackageId "base") (mkModuleName "Prelude")]
return ses
serverLoop :: Session -> IO ()
serverLoop ses = do
s <- listenOn (PortNumber 10490)
(h, hn, pn) <- accept s
hSetBuffering h LineBuffering
connectionLoop ses h
hClose h
sClose s
serverLoop ses
connectionLoop :: Session -> Handle -> IO ()
connectionLoop ses h = do
exp <- hGetLine h
runExp ses exp h
updateSession :: Session -> [String] -> IO ()
updateSession ses l =
mapM_ (runStmt ses) l
exprToRun :: String -> IO String
exprToRun exp = do
x <- sequence (take 3 (repeat $ getStdRandom (randomR (97,122)) >>= return . chr))
return ("let { "++ x ++
" = " ++ exp ++
"\n} in take 2048 (show " ++ x ++
runExp :: Session -> String -> Handle -> IO ()
runExp ses s h
-- "let: " update session
| "let " `isPrefixOf` s = do
runStmt ses s
connectionLoop ses h
-- exit
| ":quit" `isPrefixOf` s = return ()
-- stop server
| ":stop" `isPrefixOf` s = exitWith ExitSuccess
-- something to eval
| otherwise = do
exp <- exprToRun s
res <- dynCompileExpr ses exp
case res of
Just x -> do
let res' = fromDynamic x :: Maybe String
hPutStrLn h $ fromMaybe "" res'
connectionLoop ses h
_ -> do
hPutStrLn h "Failed!"
connectionLoop ses h
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