[Xmonad] Show name of focused window in status bar

Lukas Mai l.mai at web.de
Tue Aug 21 12:09:45 EDT 2007

Am Dienstag, 21. August 2007 schrieb Kai Grossjohann:
> Do people think that showing the name of the currently focused window in
> the status bar (in addition to the workspaces) would be a worthwhile
> addition?
> If so, could you advise how to improve the quality of the code I've
> concocted?  Given that I don't know Haskell, I'm happy that it runs.
> Here's what I did.
> To NamedWindows.hs I added the following function (and exported it):
> unWindow :: NamedWindow -> String
> unWindow (NW n _) = n

That function already exists; it's called "show".

My Config.hs says:

logHook = withWindowSet $ \ws -> do
    let d = pprWindowSet ws
    t <- maybe (return "") (liftM show . getName) (W.peek ws)
    io . putStrLn $ show t ++ d

HTH, Lukas

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