[Xmonad] Rotate window Stack

Karsten Schoelzel kuser at gmx.de
Thu Aug 2 13:59:22 EDT 2007

On Thu, Aug 02, 2007 at 12:55:13AM +0200, Hans Philipp Annen wrote:
> Hello List, 
> ...
> I was not sure whether I should put this in XMonadContrib, since I think
> it's a candidate for Operations.hs.
> Anyway, here is the function:
> rotSlaves :: SS.StackSet i a s sd -> SS.StackSet i a s sd
> rotSlaves = SS.modify' rotSlaves'
> rotSlaves' :: SS.Stack a -> SS.Stack a
> rotSlaves' (SS.Stack t ls rs) | (null ls) = SS.Stack t [] ((rearRs)++(frontRs))          --Master has focus
>                               | otherwise = SS.Stack t' (reverse ((master)++revls')) rs' --otherwise
>     where  (frontRs, rearRs) = splitAt (max 0 ((length rs) - 1) rs
>            (ils, master)     = splitAt (max 0 ((length ls) - 1) ls
>            toBeRotated       = (reverse ils)++(t:rs)
>            (revls',t':rs')   = splitAt (length ils) ((last toBeRotated):(init toBeRotated))
I think I have a version which is easier to understand (at least for me):

rotSlaves' s@(SS.Stack _ [] [])   = s
rotSlaves' (SS.Stack t [] (r:rs)) = SS.Stack t [] (rs ++ [r])                  --Master has focus
rotSlaves' (SS.Stack t ls rs)     = SS.Stack t' (reverse (master:revls')) rs'  --otherwise
    where  (master:q:revls') = reverse (t:ls)
           (t':rs')          = (rs ++ [q])

Actually it rotates the slaves into the other direction (which made it
simpler), but that shouldn't matter much when using the TwoPane layout.
> I hope someone else will find that usefull...
> Hans Philipp Annen

Karsten Schölzel
Karsten Schölzel        | Email:  kuser at gmx.de
Friedrichstraße 7       | Jabber: topox at jabber.ccc.de
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