[Xmonad] what about a prompt?

Andrea Rossato mailing_list at istitutocolli.org
Wed Aug 1 14:26:49 EDT 2007


what about a prompt? A general one, to be use to run internal xmonad
command, to run shell commands, or to run ssh, etc...

With completions, possibly.

This what I'm working to. Some previous Ion3 users will find it
similar to some of their memories.

It is not finished yet, this is why I'm not sending it as a patch, but
I'm almost there. I did not think it was going to take such a long
time - 3 days now (well, I'm not only coding, I'm also trying to enjoy
my vacation. Lake, mountains, etc....-)

But you can have an idea, and hopefully give suggestions too: save the
attached file in XMonadContrib as Prompt.hs.

Import it from Config.hs and add some key bindings to lunch the
For instance:

  , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_x), xmonadPrompt defaultPromptConfig)
  , ((modMask .|. controlMask.|. shiftMask, xK_x), shellPrompt  defaultPromptConfig)

So far only a shell prompt and an internal commands prompt
(xmonadPrompt) are provided (and only the first one with - still
unusable - completions).

Suggestions, patches, good wishes are welcome.


PS: the guys at suckless dot something say that dmenu is less then 500
lines of code. I'm still below 500 too, with all the extra features.
Some stuff needs to be added, but there is a lot of stuff we could get
rid of. The code could not be so verbose, but that's one of my
problems. Not Haskell's.
-------------- next part --------------
-- |
-- Module      :  XMonadContrib.Commands
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2007 Andrea Rossato
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  andrea.rossato at unibz.it
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  unportable
-- A prompt for XMonad

module XMonadContrib.Prompt (
                             -- * Usage
                             -- $usage
                            , defaultPromptConfig
                            , XPType (..)
                            , XPPosition (..)
                            , XPConfig (..)
                              ) where
in Config.hs add:
> import XMonadContrib.Prompt

in you keybindings add:

>   , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_x), xmonadPrompt defaultPromptConfig)
>   , ((modMask .|. controlMask.|. shiftMask, xK_x), shellPrompt  defaultPromptConfig)


import Graphics.X11.Xlib
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras
import XMonad  hiding (io)
import Operations
import XMonadContrib.Commands

--import Control.Monad
--import Control.Concurrent

import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Bits
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import System.Console.Readline
import System.Environment

type XP = StateT XPState IO

data XPState = 
    XPS { dpy :: Display    
        , rootw :: Window   
        , win :: Window
        , complWin :: Maybe Window
        , gcon :: GC
        , fs :: FontStruct 
        , xptype :: XPType
        , command :: String 
        , offset :: Int     
        , config :: XPConfig
        } deriving (Show)

data XPConfig = 
    XPC { font           :: String   -- ^ Font
        , bgColor        :: String   -- ^ Backgroud color
        , fgColor        :: String   -- ^ Default font color
        , borderColor    :: String   -- ^ 
        , borderWidth    :: Dimension
        , position       :: XPPosition
        , height         :: Dimension      -- ^ Window height
        } deriving (Show, Read)

data XPType = Shell | XMonad
            deriving (Read)

instance Show XPType where
    show Shell = "Run:   "
    show XMonad = "XMonad:   "

data XPPosition = Top | Bottom
                deriving (Show,Read)

defaultPromptConfig :: XPConfig
defaultPromptConfig =
    XPC { font = "-misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
        , bgColor = "#999999"
        , fgColor = "#FFFFFF"
        , borderColor = "#FFFFFF"
        , borderWidth = 1
        , position = Bottom
        , height = 18

initState :: Display -> Window -> Window -> GC 
          -> FontStruct -> XPType -> XPConfig-> XPState
initState d rw w gc f pt c =
    XPS d rw w Nothing gc f pt "" 0 c

shellPrompt :: XPConfig -> X ()
shellPrompt c = startPrompt Shell c
xmonadPrompt :: XPConfig -> X ()
xmonadPrompt c = startPrompt XMonad c

startPrompt :: XPType -> XPConfig -> X ()
startPrompt t conf = do
  c <- ask
  let d = display c
      rw = theRoot c
  w <- liftIO $ createWin d rw conf
  liftIO $ selectInput d w $ exposureMask .|. keyPressMask
  gc <- liftIO $ createGC d w
  liftIO $ setGraphicsExposures d gc False
  fontS <- liftIO $ loadQueryFont d (font conf)

  let st = initState d rw w gc fontS t conf
  st' <- liftIO $ execStateT runXP st

  liftIO $ freeGC d gc
  liftIO $ freeFont d fontS
  case t of 
    XMonad -> runCommand' $ command st'
    Shell -> spawn $ command st'

runXP :: XP ()
runXP = do
  st <- get
  let d = dpy st
      w = win st
  status <- io $ grabKeyboard d w True grabModeAsync grabModeAsync currentTime
  when (status == grabSuccess) $ do
            io $ ungrabKeyboard d currentTime
  io $ destroyWindow d w
  io $ sync d False

eventLoop :: XP ()
eventLoop = do
  d <- gets dpy
  -- FIXME 
  --st <- get
  --io $ putStrLn $ "offset = " ++ show (offset st) ++ "str: " ++ (prompt st ++ command st)
  (keysym,string,event) <- io $ 
            allocaXEvent $ \e -> do 
              nextEvent d e
              ev <- getEvent e
              -- FIXME 
              --putStrLn $ eventName ev
              (ks,s) <- lookupString $ asKeyEvent e
              return (ks,s,ev)
  handle (fromMaybe xK_VoidSymbol keysym,string) event

type KeyStroke = (KeySym, String)

-- Main event handler
handle :: KeyStroke -> Event -> XP ()
handle ks (KeyEvent {ev_event_type = t, ev_state = m}) 
    | t == keyPress = do
  keyPressHandle m ks
handle _ (AnyEvent {ev_event_type = t, ev_window = w}) 
    | t == expose = do 
  st <- get
  when (win st == w) updateWin                 
handle _  _ = eventLoop

-- KeyPresses

data Direction = Prev | Next deriving (Eq,Show,Read)

keyPressHandle :: KeyMask -> KeyStroke -> XP ()
-- commands: ctrl + ... todo
keyPressHandle mask (ks,s)
    | mask == controlMask = do
  -- TODO

keyPressHandle _ (ks,_)
-- exit
    | ks == xK_Return = do
  return ()
-- backspace
    | ks == xK_BackSpace = do
  deleteString Prev
-- delete
    | ks == xK_Delete = do
  deleteString Next
-- left
    | ks == xK_Left = do
  moveCursor Prev
-- right
    | ks == xK_Right = do
  moveCursor Next
-- exscape: exit and discard everything
    | ks  == xK_Escape = do
  return ()
-- tab -> completion loop
    | ks  == xK_Tab = do

-- insert a character
keyPressHandle _ (_,s)
    | s == "" = eventLoop
    | otherwise = do
  insertString s

-- KeyPress and State

-- flush the command and reset the offest
flushString :: XP ()
flushString =
  modify (\s -> s { command = "", offset = 0} )  
-- insert a character at the cursor position
insertString :: String -> XP ()
insertString str = 
  modify (\s -> s { command = c (command s) (offset s), offset = o (offset s)} )
  where o oo = oo + length str
        c oc oo
            | oo >= length oc = oc ++ str
            | otherwise = f ++ str ++ ss
            where (f,ss) = splitAt oo oc

-- remove a character at the cursor position
deleteString :: Direction -> XP ()
deleteString d =
  modify (\s -> s { command = c (command s) (offset s), offset = o (offset s)} )
  where o oo = if d == Prev then max 0 (oo - 1) else oo
        c oc oo
            | oo >= length oc && d == Prev = take (oo - 1) oc
            | oo < length oc && d == Prev = take (oo - 1) f ++ ss
            | oo < length oc && d == Next = f ++ tail ss
            | otherwise = oc
            where (f,ss) = splitAt oo oc

-- move the cursor one position
moveCursor :: Direction -> XP ()
moveCursor d =
  modify (\s -> s { offset = o (offset s) (command s)} )
  where o oo c = if d == Prev then max 0 (oo - 1) else min (length c) (oo + 1)

-- X Stuff

createWin :: Display -> Window -> XPConfig -> IO Window
createWin d rw c = do
  let scr = defaultScreenOfDisplay d
      wh = widthOfScreen scr
      (x,y) = case position c of
                Top -> (0,0)
                Bottom -> (0,heightOfScreen scr - (height c))
  w <- mkUnmanagedWindow d scr rw 
                      x (fi y) wh (height c)
  mapWindow d w
  return w

updateWin :: XP ()
updateWin = do
  d <- gets dpy
  io $ sync d False

drawWin :: XP ()
drawWin = do
  st <- get
  let c = config st
      d = dpy st
      scr = defaultScreenOfDisplay d
      w = win st
      wh = widthOfScreen scr
      ht = height c
      bw = borderWidth c
      gc = gcon st
      fontStruc = fs st
  bgcolor <- io $ initColor d (bgColor c)
  border <- io $ initColor d (borderColor c)
  p <- io $ createPixmap d w wh ht
                         (defaultDepthOfScreen scr)

  io $ fillDrawable d p gc border bgcolor (fi bw) wh ht

  printPrompt p gc fontStruc
  compl <- case xptype st of
             Shell -> io $ getCompletions (command st)
             XMonad -> return []

  when (compl /= []) (drawComplWin compl)

  io $ copyArea d p w gc 0 0 wh ht 0 0
  io $ freePixmap d p

printPrompt :: Drawable -> GC -> FontStruct -> XP ()
printPrompt drw gc fontst = do
  c <- gets config
  st <- get
  let d = dpy st
      (prt,com,off) = (show $ xptype st, command st, offset st)
      str = prt ++ com
      -- scompose the string in 3 part: till the cursor, the cursor and the rest
      (f,p,ss) = if off >= length com
                 then (str, " ","") -- add a space: it will be our cursor ;-)
                 else let (a,b) = (splitAt off com) 
                      in (prt ++ a, [head b], tail b)
      ht = height c
      (fsl,psl) = (textWidth fontst f, textWidth fontst p)
      (_,asc,desc,_) = textExtents fontst str
      y = fi $ (ht + fi (asc + desc)) `div` 2
      x = (asc + desc) `div` 2
  fgcolor <- io $ initColor d $ fgColor c
  bgcolor <- io $ initColor d $ bgColor c
  -- print the first part
  io $ printString d drw gc fgcolor bgcolor x y f
  -- reverse the colors and print the "cursor" ;-)
  io $ printString d drw gc bgcolor fgcolor (x + fsl) y p
  -- reverse the colors and print the rest of the string
  io $ printString d drw gc fgcolor bgcolor (x + fsl + psl) y ss

setComplWin :: Window -> XP ()
setComplWin w = do
  modify (\s -> s { complWin = Just w })

destroyComplWin :: XP ()
destroyComplWin = do
  d <- gets dpy
  cw <- gets complWin
  case cw of
    Just w -> do io $ destroyWindow d w
                 modify (\s -> s { complWin = Nothing })
    Nothing -> return ()

drawComplWin :: [String] -> XP ()
drawComplWin compl = do
  st <- get
  let c = config st
      d = dpy st
      scr = defaultScreenOfDisplay d
      wh = widthOfScreen scr
      ht = height c
      bw = borderWidth c
      gc = gcon st
      fontst = fs st
  bgcolor <- io $ initColor d (bgColor c)
  fgcolor <- io $ initColor d (fgColor c)
  border <- io $ initColor d (borderColor c)

  let compl_number = length compl
      max_compl_len =  (fi ht `div` 2) + (maximum . map (textWidth fontst) $ compl)
      columns = wh `div` (fi max_compl_len)
      rem_height =  heightOfScreen scr - ht
      needed_rows = max 1 (compl_number `div` fi columns)
      needed_height = needed_rows * fi ht
      actual_max_number_of_rows = rem_height `div` ht
      actual_completions = if needed_height > fi rem_height 
                           then take (fi (actual_max_number_of_rows * columns)) compl
                           else compl
      actual_rows = min actual_max_number_of_rows (fi needed_rows)
      actual_height = actual_rows * ht
      (x,y) = case position c of
                Top -> (0,ht)
                Bottom -> (0, (0 + rem_height - actual_height))

  w <- io $ mkUnmanagedWindow d scr (rootw st)
                      x (fi y) wh actual_height
  io $ mapWindow d w
  setComplWin w
  io $ fillDrawable d w gc border bgcolor (fi bw) wh actual_height
  -- creating a table of completions...;-)
  let (_,asc,desc,_) = textExtents fontst $ head compl
      yp = fi $ (ht + fi (asc + desc)) `div` 2
      xp = (asc + desc) `div` 2
      yy = map fi . take (fi actual_rows) $ [yp,(yp + ht)..]
      xx = take (fi columns) [xp,(xp + max_compl_len)..]
      ac = spliInSubListsAt (fi actual_rows) actual_completions
  -- printing the table of completion
  io $ printComplList d w gc fgcolor bgcolor xx yy ac

printComplList :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Pixel -> Pixel
               -> [Position] -> [Position] -> [[String]] -> IO ()
printComplList _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [] = return ()
printComplList _ _ _ _ _ [] _ _ = return ()
printComplList d drw gc fc bc (x:xs) y (s:ss) = do
  printComplColumn d drw gc fc bc x y s
  printComplList d drw gc fc bc xs y ss

printComplColumn :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Pixel -> Pixel
                 -> Position -> [Position] -> [String] -> IO ()
printComplColumn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [] = return ()
printComplColumn _ _ _ _ _ _ [] _ = return ()
printComplColumn d drw gc fc bc x (y:yy) (s:ss) = do
  printString d drw gc fc bc x y s
  printComplColumn d drw gc fc bc x yy ss

-- More general X Stuff

printString :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Pixel -> Pixel
            -> Position -> Position -> String  -> IO ()
printString d drw gc fc bc x y s = do
  setForeground d gc fc
  setBackground d gc bc
  drawImageString d drw gc x y s

fillDrawable :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Pixel -> Pixel
             -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO ()
fillDrawable d drw gc border bgcolor bw wh ht = do
  -- we strat with the border
  setForeground d gc border
  fillRectangle d drw gc 0 0 wh ht
  -- this foreground is the background of the text!
  setForeground d gc bgcolor
  fillRectangle d drw gc (fi bw) (fi bw) (wh - (bw * 2)) (ht - (bw * 2))

-- | Creates a window with the attribute override_redirect set to True.
-- Windows Managers should not touch this kind of windows.
mkUnmanagedWindow :: Display -> Screen -> Window -> Position 
                  -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO Window
mkUnmanagedWindow d s rw x y w h = do
  let visual = defaultVisualOfScreen s
      attrmask = cWOverrideRedirect
  allocaSetWindowAttributes $ 
         \attributes -> do
           set_override_redirect attributes True
           createWindow d rw x y w h 0 (defaultDepthOfScreen s) 
                        inputOutput visual attrmask attributes

-- Utilities

-- completions
getCompletions :: String -> IO [String]
getCompletions s 
    | s /= "" && last s /= ' ' = do
  fl <- filenameCompletionFunction (last . words $ s)
  c <- commandCompletionFunction (last . words $ s)
  return $ sort . nub $ fl ++ c
    | otherwise = return []

commandCompletionFunction :: String -> IO [String]
commandCompletionFunction str 
    | '/' `elem` str = return []
    | otherwise = do
  p <- getEnv "PATH"
  cl p
      cl = liftM (nub . rmPath . concat) . mapM fCF . map addToPath . split ':'  
      addToPath = flip (++) ("/" ++ str)
      fCF = filenameCompletionFunction
      rmPath [] = []
      rmPath s = map (last . split '/') s

-- Lift an IO action into the XP
io :: IO a -> XP a
io = liftIO

-- shorthand
fi :: (Num b, Integral a) => a -> b
fi = fromIntegral

split :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
split _ [] = []
split e l =
    f : split e (rest ls)
          (f,ls) = span (/=e) l
          rest s | s == [] = []
                 | otherwise = tail s

spliInSubListsAt :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
spliInSubListsAt _ [] = []
spliInSubListsAt i x = f : spliInSubListsAt i rest
    where (f,rest) = splitAt i x

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