[web-devel] Monad transformers with Warp/WAI

Alex alex323 at gmail.com
Sat May 16 12:03:10 UTC 2015


I am writing a small application which receives HTTP requests,
translates them to JSON, and queues the requests using RabbitMQ.

I created a Monad transformer stack (ReaderT AppConfig IO a) to carry
around my application configuration and AMQP connection handle (MVar
Connection within AppConfig), but I am having difficulty determining how
to integrate it with my Warp application.

The function which is responsible for accepting Requests and returning
Responses (app :: Application) needs to call functions which require
AppConfig. For example: (sendToRabbitMQ :: RPCRequest -> MyApp
ByteString) is a blocking call which requires the AMQP connection
handle found within AppConfig, which is why it returns a MyApp
ByteString as opposed to a IO ByteString. If I want to call
`sendToRabbitMQ' from `app', then the type of `app' needs to change
from Application to something else, but I am not sure what that should

What's the best way to proceed?


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