[web-devel] Data.Word8 (word8 library)

Bas van Dijk v.dijk.bas at gmail.com
Fri Sep 21 00:42:40 CEST 2012

When I simulate case-insensitive by adding a FoldCase class as in:

import           Criterion.Main         (defaultMain, bench, nf)
import qualified Data.ByteString        as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8  as S8
import           Data.Char              (ord)
import           Data.Word8             (Word8)
import           GHC.Base               (unsafeChr)

main :: IO ()
main = do
    input <- S.readFile "bench.hs"
        [ bench "Word8-local"      $ nf (S.length . S.map toLower8)  input
        , bench "Char8 toLowerC"   $ nf (S.length . S8.map toLowerC) input
        , bench "foldCase"         $ nf (S.length . foldCase)        input

toLower8 :: Word8 -> Word8
toLower8 w
  | isUpper8 w = w + 32
  | otherwise = w
-- {-# INLINE toLower8 #-}

isUpper8 :: Word8 -> Bool
isUpper8 w = 0x41 <= w && w <= 0x5a
          || 0xc0 <= w && w <= 0xd6
          || 0xd8 <= w && w <= 0xde
-- {-# INLINE isUpper8 #-}

toLowerC :: Char -> Char
toLowerC w
    | isUpperC w = unsafeChr $ ord w + 0x20
    | otherwise = w
-- {-# INLINE toLowerC #-}

isUpperC :: Char -> Bool
isUpperC w = '\x41' <= w && w <= '\x5a'
          || '\xc0' <= w && w <= '\xd6'
          || '\xd8' <= w && w <= '\xde'
-- {-# INLINE isUpperC #-}

class FoldCase a where
    foldCase :: a -> a

instance FoldCase S.ByteString where
    foldCase = S.map toLower8'
    -- {-# INLINE foldCase #-}

toLower8' :: Word8 -> Word8
toLower8' w
  | isUpper8' w = w + 32
  | otherwise = w
-- {-# INLINE toLower8' #-}

isUpper8' :: Word8 -> Bool
isUpper8' w = 0x41 <= w && w <= 0x5a
          || 0xc0 <= w && w <= 0xd6
          || 0xd8 <= w && w <= 0xde
-- {-# INLINE isUpper8' #-}

The results are:

benchmarking Word8-local
mean: 3.141125 us

benchmarking Char8 toLowerC
mean: 3.086287 us

benchmarking foldCase
mean: 8.870402 us

Any idea how to speed up foldCase? Adding INLINE pragma's doesn't help...

Note that when I remove the FoldCase class and turn the foldCase
method into a function it becomes as fast as the rest.


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