[web-devel] problem with radioField from yesod.Forms

Michael Litchard michael at schmong.org
Tue Jun 7 01:30:33 CEST 2011

I am working from the widget example from the Yesod web site.
I was able to display a column of check boxes, and am able to generate
a [Bool], which is enough for now, as far as the check boxes go. Now,
I would like a column of radioFields.
I will worry about the CSS and Ajax stuff later. The problem is that
radioField uses a slightly different type. I admit I don't understand
some of these types, but I can exploit my pattern recognition skills
well enough. Below is my last attempt.

The type for radioField is
radioField :: (Eq x, IsForm f, FormType f ~ x) => [(x, Text)] ->
FormFieldSettings -> Maybe x -> f

The type for boolField is
boolField :: (IsForm f, FormType f ~ Bool) => FormFieldSettings ->
Maybe Bool -> f

It's the [(x,Text)] that is tricking me. I suspect the problem may be
me not understanding the Applicative style well enough.
Could someone offer some feedback to send me on the right track?

> handleFormR = do
>     (res, form, enctype, nonce) <- runFormPost $ fieldsToTable $ (,,,,,,,,)
>         <$> boolField "Server One" Nothing
>         <*> boolField "Server Two" Nothing
>         <*> boolField "Server Three" Nothing
>         <*> boolField "Server Four" Nothing
>         <*> boolField "Server Five" Nothing
>         <*> boolField "Server Six" Nothing
>         <*> boolField "Server Seven" Nothing
>         <*> boolField "Server Eight" Nothing
>         <*> radioField [(1, "Test 1"), (2, "Test 2")] "Pick a Test" Nothing

mlitchard at apotheosis:~/playground/yesod-examples-$
runhaskell nwidgets.lhs

    The last statement in a 'do' construct must be an expression:
    (res, form, enctype, nonce) <- runFormPost $ fieldsToTable
                               $ (,,,,,,,,)
                               boolField "Server One" Nothing
                             boolField "Server Two" Nothing
                           boolField "Server Three" Nothing
                         boolField "Server Four" Nothing
                       boolField "Server Five" Nothing
                     boolField "Server Six" Nothing
                   boolField "Server Seven" Nothing
                 boolField "Server Eight" Nothing
               radioField [(1, "Test 1"), (2, "Test 2")] "Test 1" Nothing

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