[web-devel] Rich Internet Applications using Haskell

Bardur Arantsson spam at scientician.net
Thu Feb 10 08:12:59 CET 2011

Hi all,

I just though I'd let y'all know that I've started work on "Dingo", a 
small framework for creating Rich Internet Applications (RIA) in 
Haskell. The basic idea is that you write Haskell code and the framework 
generates all the browser-related bits you need (HTML, JS, state 
serialization, etc.) at runtime.

Writing an application is centered around Widgets and Events which are 
just what you'd expect if you were writing a Gtk+/Swing/SWT/Qt 
application. The way the application starts is that you provide a "start 
the application" callback to a "runServer" function. When a client 
connects to the server the first time, the "main" callback gets run and 
can set up the main application widget however it wants.

There's a basic example in Main (see attachment). It doesn't really do 
much interesting, but it does demonstrate that state transfer and 
updates (client->server and server->client) work and that events work at 
a basic level.

I've attached a tarball of my not-even-close-to-pre-alpha code -- I 
won't bother putting this on Hackage since it's not actually useful for 
any real work yet. To get something working in a browser ASAP I've taken 
some... uhm, liberties with code quality, so I will not be held 
responsible for self-induced eye-gouging as a result of looking at the code.

The current status is basically:

    * Uses Happstack-server for serving HTTP. Given Dingo's extremely 
simple serving needs it may be a bit of a "heavy" dependency, but it 
works for now and it's not really a high priority to change this. It's 
also definitely NOT eye-gouging-inducing, so that's a plus :).

    * Only very simple widgets are included: A "panel" container widget 
(corresponds to an unstyled <div/> currently) and "input", "select" and 
"button" elements (corresponding to their HTML counterparts). The idea 
is that Panel will be expanded to a more general container which can lay 
out subwidgets horizontally or vertically.

    * ALL mutable widget state is transferred to/from the browser for 
every callback. This isn't an issue with the simple example in Main.hs, 
but it might become an issue for larger widget hierarchies.

    * Only ONE client supported at a time. You read that right. Weird 
things will happen if you try to connect multiple clients.

Immediate plans:

    * Find a better way to handle state transfer to lessen the burden of 
having to write JSON <-> JS and JSON <-> server-state translations by 
hand. I'm thinking that some of the ideas from the "Invertible Syntax" 
paper ( 
) may apply for this. Text.JSON.Generic may also be workable, but I had 
some trouble getting it to work with Text values and it doesn't help 
with generating the widget-specific JavaScript.

    * On a related note, I need a better way of generating JavaScript 
than string concatenation. Unfortunately, HJScript seems to be *too* 
strict about typing.

    * Expand the selection of widgets with more complex widgets so that 
I can get a feel for how the current Widget type class may need to be 
generalized/tweaked. Something requiring CSS would be good too, so I can 
hopefully get a basic theming mechanism down.

    * Get rid of the "one client only" limitation so that Dingo may 
actually become somewhat useful in practice.

    * A way of tracking client-side and server-side updates so that only 
things that have actually changed are transferred between client and 
server. For the server side this should be easy enough and for the 
client I'm thinking of something like attaching a "change()" event 
handler to all relevant DOM elements.

Comments and suggestions appreciated.

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