[web-devel] Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Web Framework

Yitzchak Gale gale at sefer.org
Mon Jan 26 09:35:06 EST 2009

As per Marc's request, I am continuing the thread on web-devel
only. I have CC'ed everyone who has participated in this
thread so far.

Michael Snoyman wrote:
> why bother with the XML at all?
> I've experimented both with writing HTML which gets
> rendered by code, or writing code that creates the HTML,
> and I think the latter is more flexible

It doesn't have to be XML, but there are several reasons why
you sometimes want a web authoring language that is
intentionally limited.

You don't always want your web design artists to be
responsible for software authoring. They may not
have enough programming skills. Even if they have
the skills, their interaction with the QA department
is much more expensive if they could potentially
be affecting more things.

Of course, the QA department, the web art department,
and the software development department might all
consist of just you. In that case, you would want
something like Text.XHtml :)

Marc Weber wrote:
> If you don't konw WASH yet please do have a look
> at the examples. I find the idea behind WASH pretty
> neat.

Yes, a modernized version of WASH would be great.
Especially if it supports AJAX semantics as well,
but that would obviously be a lot more work.

How about an option to compile to PHP, so you could use
it on the super-cheap hosting services? :)


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