[Timber] Re: Failing configure in Timber

Andy Gill andy at galois.com
Fri Jan 5 12:55:12 EST 2007

I had a look around at this:

[[From the manual: Couldn't get lock .../lock

This means that darcs tried to access a repository that is locked,  
i.e. marked as being currently accessed by a different copy of darcs.
If you are confident the repo shouldn't be locked (there's no other  
copy of darcs running), you can unlock it manually by deleting the  
lock file _darcs/lock. Then, run darcs check. ]]

But that seems to be what you did.

I tried removing the lock file myself, and pushing and it works now,  
and there is no lock file. Can you try again?

Perhaps your local repo has problems? Try a repair?

Also, you could try create a new repo copy of the darcs.haskell.org,  
then push your changes to the new repo, then push them back to  
This is one thing I like about darcs; every repo is equal.


On Jan 5, 2007, at 6:52 AM, Johan Nordlander wrote:

>> It seems to be working fine now. Can you email me as soon as you  
>> see any problem, because explicitly galois maintain this machine,
>> specifically to help the GHC crowd.
> Seems like I can log on without problems, but trying "darcs push - 
> v" as I've done before results in the following output:
>   Waiting for lock /srv/darcs/timber/_darcs/lock
>   [Numrous identical lines]
>   Waiting for lock /srv/darcs/timber/_darcs/lock
>   Couldn't get lock /srv/darcs/timber/_darcs/lock
> Don't know how this works but it seems like some bad lock file is  
> in the way.  Tried to manually remove the file mentioned, but the  
> result is just that darcs hangs (and a new lock file is created).
> Has anybody managed to push something lately?
> -- Johan

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