[Template-haskell] using [d| class or fun |] and only substituting
Marc Weber
marco-oweber at gmx.de
Wed Sep 3 13:11:34 EDT 2008
Is there a way to write something like this?
-- packages: template-haskell
-- ghc-options: -fth
module Main where
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Control.Monad
main = do
putStrLn . show =<< runQ [d|
class $(mkName "abc") m elc stc3 elc3 st2 el2 st3 el3 -- line 9
| st2 stc3 -> st3, el2 elc3 -> el3 where
$(mkName "foo") :: m Int elc Int elc stc3 elc3 a
-> m st el st2 el2 st3 el3 a
|9 col 12| parse error on input `$('
Marc Weber
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