[Template-haskell] tuple (Int) == or != Int ?

Simon Peyton-Jones simonpj at microsoft.com
Mon Jun 30 03:43:50 EDT 2008

Thanks.  Alfonso pointed this same thing out recently, and I fixed it.  Now (Int) and Int should be the same.

Should be OK now in the HEAD at least.


| -----Original Message-----
| From: template-haskell-bounces at haskell.org [mailto:template-haskell-bounces at haskell.org] On Behalf Of
| Marc Weber
| Sent: 29 June 2008 22:02
| To: template-haskell at haskell.org
| Subject: [Template-haskell] tuple (Int) == or != Int ?
| Does ghc make difference beteen a tuple "(Int)" and a no tuple "Int" ?
| I'm confused about this error:
| -- packages: template-haskell
| {-# OPTIONS_GHC -XTemplateHaskell #-}
| module Main where
| import Language.Haskell.TH
| import System.IO
| import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
| class PrimaryKey tableRow pk | tableRow -> pk where pk :: tableRow -> pk
| data Row = Row {
|   idV :: Int
|   , b :: String
| }
| $( do let pks = ["idV"]
|       row <- newName "row"
|       {-
|       || instance PrimaryKey Row ((GHC.Base.Int))
|       ||     where pk row_0 = (idV row_0)
|       test.hs|15 col 3 error|
|       ||     Couldn't match expected type `(Int)' against inferred type `Int'
|       ||     In the expression: idV row[a1eY]
|       ||     In the definition of `pk': pk row[a1eY] = idV row[a1eY]
|       ||     In the definition for method `pk'
|       -}
|       i <- instanceD (cxt []) (appT (appT (conT $ mkName $ "PrimaryKey") (conT $ ''Row)) (appT (tupleT
| (length pks)) (conT ''Int)))
|               [funD  (mkName "pk") [clause [varP row] (normalB (tupE (map (\k -> (appE (varE $ mkName $
| k) (varE row))) pks))) []]]
|       runIO $ do putStrLn $ pprint $ i
|                  hFlush stdout
|       return [i]
|  )
| main = return ()
| Marc Weber
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