[Template-haskell] using template haskell to implement pads for haskell?

David Walker princedpw at gmail.com
Sun Jun 29 20:57:03 EDT 2008

> Query enginge ? is this xml only?

PADS can describe pretty much any ascii or binary data file.  Given a
PADS description, it's possible to interpret data matching the
description as if it were xml.  The PADX tool (implemented by
primarily by Mary Fernandez, Kathleen Fisher and Yitzhak Mandelbaum)
makes it possible to write Xquery programs and evaluate them against
the data.  PADX uses Galax, the xquery query engine implemented by
Mary and Jerome Simeon.

> >From hackage this might be interesting as well:
> HXQ library and program: A Compiler from XQuery to Haskell

Thanks, this might be very useful in the future.


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