[Template-haskell] splicing types

Claus Reinke claus.reinke at talk21.com
Tue Jul 1 03:40:12 EDT 2008

>> data Bar {
>>         val1 :: String,
>>         val2 :: Int -- omit this in serialization
>>     }
> which could be generalized to a sort of 'annotation type', e.g.
>> type Ann a b = a
>> type Omitted = () -- a particular annotation
> ...
>>        val2 ::  Ann Int Omitted
> you could have multiple annotations, e.g.
>>        val2 :: Ann Int (Omitted,Ann1,Ann2) -- an Int with three annotations

try googling for "phantom types"?

>> type Omitted a = ()
> ...
>>        val2 :: Ann Int (Omitted 1000)

if you bake the default into the type, you can have only one
per type per program, so how about using a class to map
from type to default value?

    class Default a where default :: a
    valn :: Default a => a

    instance Default Bar where default = Bar undefined 1000
    instance Default Int where default = 1000

then you could omit types that have defaults, or use/infer an
omit annotation for fields that the default for the enclosing
type can fill in. Parsing a slightly extended data syntax might
be easier than overloading the type system, but maybe that
is just me?-)


ps if you absolutely want to go for more type-level
    programming, Oleg has some notes on number-
    parameterized types

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