[Template-haskell] Dyamic scoping question

Simon Peyton-Jones simonpj at microsoft.com
Wed Oct 27 04:14:45 EDT 2004

Here's your program boiled down a bit
	foo = 3
	baz = $(varE ("fo" ++ "o"))

Like any Haskell compiler, GHC does dependency analysis, and type-checks
in that order.  There no way for it to see that 'baz' depends on 'foo',
so it may well typecheck the definition of baz before that of foo.  I
haven't actually run your example, but I bet that's what's happening.
"-ddump-rn" would tell you, because it shows the code after dependency

I wonder if others have tripped over this.  There is a tension between
dynamic scope and dependency analysis (which is required for type
checking) that's hard to resolve.  For example, you probably want the
example to work even if the definition of 'foo' is after that of 'baz';
at least that's the standard Haskell story.

I suppose a workaround is to put 'foo' in another module, but it's not


| -----Original Message-----
| From: template-haskell-bounces at haskell.org
[mailto:template-haskell-bounces at haskell.org] On
| Behalf Of Bryn Keller
| Sent: 25 October 2004 19:48
| To: template-haskell at haskell.org
| Subject: [Template-haskell] Dyamic scoping question
| Hi folks,
| I'm trying to use TH to generate parsers and writers for arbitrary
| datatypes. In the end I'd like every part of the declaration and
| generation of these functions to be automatic, but at this early stage
| I'm just trying to get one aspect of all that to work. So at the
| all I want is to generate a function that exercises a parsing
| computation I've already defined earlier in the module:
| import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
| import Splices
| data SomeType = S Int
| sometype_p = do {string "S"; num <- many1 digit; return $ S (read
| readSomeType = $(reifyDecl SomeType >>= mkLineReader)
| and in Splices.hs:
| module Splices where
| import Language.Haskell.THSyntax
| import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (parse)
| import Data.Char (toLower)
| modifyName f name = concat [modules, ":", f origName]
|   where
|    (modules, (_:origName)) = break (==':') name
| lower = map toLower
| mkLineReader :: Dec -> Q Exp
| mkLineReader (DataD _ name _ fields _) = do
|     let parserName = varE $ modifyName ((++"_p").lower) name
|     [|
|      \line -> case parse $(parserName) line line of
|                         Left err -> error (show err)
|             Right val -> val
|      |]
| Now, when I try to compile this I get a message like so:
| tcLookup: `sometype_p' is not in scope
| In the first argument of `parse', namely `sometype_p'
| In the scrutinee of a case expression:
|     parse sometype_p line'0 line'0
| In the case expression:
|     case parse sometype_p line'0 line'0 of
|       Left err'1 -> error (show err'1)
|       Right val'2 -> val'2
| When I add -ddump-splices, it prints this in addition:
|    \ line'0
|        -> case
|               Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Prim.parse Main.sometype_p
|                                                        line'0
|                                                        line'0
|           of
|             Data.Either.Left err'1 -> GHC.Err.error (GHC.Show.show
|             Data.Either.Right val'2 -> val'2
| which tells me that the name sometype_p is getting built correctly,
| it's just not finding the sometype_p that I've already defined. I
| thought that varE was the way to capture existing variables of this
| in Template Haskell, was I mistaken? What is the approved way? Or have
| just missed something crucial?
| Thanks,
| Bryn
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