[Template-haskell] The ':' operation with patterns ?

Alain Cremieux alcremi@pobox.com
Sun, 26 Jan 2003 23:07:27 +0100


I'm trying to code the exemples of "Template Meta-Programming" for 
Haskell. Since there are differences in the implementation, I'm obliged 
to understand what I code, which is a good exercise.

At present I'm stuck in the mkZip function, because I'm unable to create 
a pattern which is a list concatenation of 2 patterns.
For expressions I can use 'listExp', but what is the equivalent for 
patterns ?

the code :

-- call : $(zipN 3) as bs cs

zipN :: Int -> Expr
zipN n
    | (n <= 0)
        = fail "Incorrect arg to 'zipN' - zipN n, n >= 1"
    | otherwise
        = [| let zp = $(mkZip n [| zp |])
             in  zp |]

mkZip :: Int -> Expr -> Expr
mkZip n name = lam pYs (caseE (tup eYs) [m1, m2])
          pXs, pYs, pXSs :: [Patt]
          eXs, eYs, eXSs :: [Expr]
          (pXs,  eXs)  = genPE "x"  n  -- x1,  x2,...
          (pYs,  eYs)  = genPE "y"  n  -- y1,  y2,...
          (pXSs, eXSs) = genPE "xs" n  -- xs1, xs2,...
          --pcons x xs = [p| $x : $xs |]
          pcons :: Patt -> Patt -> Patt
          pcons x xs = ptup (x : [xs]) -- NOT correct, gives (x, xs) 
instead of x : xs
          b :: Expr -- ((x1, x2,...) : (zp xs1 xs2 ...))
          b = listExp [tup eXs, apps (name : eXSs)]
          m1 :: Mtch -- ((x1:xs1), (x2:xs2),...) -> ((x1, x2,...) : (zp 
xs1 xs2 ...))
          m1 = alt (ptup (zipWith pcons pXs pXSs)) b
          m2 :: Mtch -- (_, _,...) -> []
          m2 = alt (ptup (replicate n pwild)) (listExp [])

-- alt = (a1, a2, ..., an) -> ai  -- the match part of a case clause 
(just an example)
alt :: Patt -> Expr ->  Mtch
alt p e =
    do x <- e
       return (Mat p (Normal x) [])
