[Template-haskell] unexpected behaviour

François-Régis Sinot francois-regis.sinot@laposte.net
15 Apr 2003 13:02:55 +0200

> or you could, I think, say
> | foo :: Q Dec -> Q ()
> | foo qd = do d<-qd
> | 	          return (out' d)
> | 
> | outGen :: Q [Dec]
> | outGen = do let d = reifyDecl Tree
> |		 dec1<-clause [pvar "x"] (normal [|foo d|]) []
> | 	    return [Fun "out" [dec1]]

For info, this does not work either:
ghc gives a "No instance for (Lift Decl)"
(instead of a "No instance for (Lift Dec)"),
which doesn't surprise me.

However, I've got a working solution, and I'm fine with that.

Best wishes,