[reactive] Time leak problem with integral
limestrael at gmail.com
Sat May 15 22:38:59 EDT 2010
It leaks with me too.
It's the same problem I'm having with my Pong attempt (see my post
The more often the integration event ticks, the quicklier the program
I'm also using reactive 0.11.4 and GHC 6.12.1.
I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 64bits version.
Doesn't matter whether I use -O2 or not.
> Hi folks,
> I've got stacked now because of a time leak problem with integral.
> The following program leaks CPU-time gradually:
>* import FRP.Reactive
*>* import FRP.Reactive.LegacyAdapters
*>* import Control.Applicative
>* type Velocity = Double
*>* type Position = Double
>* data Car = Car { vel :: Velocity, pos :: Position } deriving Show
>* velocity :: Behavior Velocity
*>* velocity = 1
>* position :: Behavior Position
*>* position = integral (atTimes [0, 0.5 ..]) velocity
>* car :: Behavior Car
*>* car = Car <$> velocity <*> position
>* main :: IO ()
*>* main = adaptE $ print <$> car `snapshot_` atTimes [0, 0.5..]
> 1) why is the leak happen?
> 2) how can I fix this problem?
> Some more detailed informations:
> * reactive 0.11.4
> * GHC 6.12.1
> * Gentoo Linux (2.6.32-tuxonice, x86_64)
> * compiled with or without -O2 flag
> Thanks,
> --
> Mitsutoshi Aoe
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