[reactive] crayon - a 2D opengl curve renderer, with Reactive animations

Jules Bean jules at jellybean.co.uk
Thu Mar 26 11:10:09 EDT 2009

Peter Verswyvelen wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 3:39 PM, Jules Bean <jules at jellybean.co.uk 
> <mailto:jules at jellybean.co.uk>> wrote:
>     Peter Verswyvelen wrote:
>         Excellent work! I have been looking into curve rendering myself
>         lately, and found some links that you might find interesting
>         (besides the Loop/Blinn article Bob already forwarded to you)
>     Hey! I showed that article to Bob, not the other way around. Mind
>     you, he was already aware of the technique, of course.
> Oh, I also told Bob about that article, which is published in GPU GEMS 
> 3. I must have misunderstood. It is of course a very famous article ( 
> but the technique is patented :| )

It would be interesting to know whether or not the patent is 
aggressively enforced. I don't know if anyone (Conal?) has contacts who 
would know.

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