[reactive] Re: FRP + physics / status of hpysics
Achim Schneider
barsoap at web.de
Fri Mar 6 07:23:24 EST 2009
Peter Verswyvelen <bugfact at gmail.com>
> Integrating hpysics with Grapefruit might be a good topic for the
> Hackaton, trying to make a simple game (e.g. Pong or Breakout)
Be sure to have "more than two simultaneously moving collision objects
besides paddles" in the specs, or it won't get close enough to a real
physics simulation... well, at least I know how to get an A for a
breakout by not allowing the ball to travel below the top of the paddle
to hide a bug. Devastatingly simple vector equations get quite complex
if you happen to stare at their assembly incarnations.
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