[reactive] Re: black hole detection and concurrency
Peter Verswyvelen
bugfact at gmail.com
Sat Jan 3 16:20:49 EST 2009
That is very good news! Let's hope it's a bug that is easy enough to
fix, since I guess the RTS is very tricky.
Thanks for all this effort. It would explain a lot of strange behaviour.
Peter Verswyvelen
CTO - Anygma.com
On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 4:48 PM, Bertram Felgenhauer
<bertram.felgenhauer at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Conal Elliott wrote:
>> Thanks very much for these ideas. Peter Verswyvelen suggested running the
>> example repeatedly to see if it always runs correctly. He found, and I
>> verified, that the example runs fine with Bertram's last version of unamb
>> below, *unless* it's compiled with -threaded and run with +RTS -N2. In the
>> latter case, it locks up after a while.
> It seems that we've found an RTS bug. If a thread is started with
> exceptions blocked, then throwTo might never deliver its exception and
> block forever, as can be seen with the following test program, which
> locks up after a while (immediately with the non-threaded RTS)
> import Control.Exception
> import Control.Concurrent
> import Control.Monad
> test n = do
> t <- block $ forkIO yield
> yield
> putStr $ show n ++ ": kill\n"
> killThread t
> main = forM_ [1..] test
> Or, even more convincing:
> import Control.Exception
> import GHC.Conc
> main = do
> t1 <- block $ forkIO yield
> t2 <- forkIO $ killThread t1
> yield
> yield
> threadStatus t1 >>= print
> threadStatus t2 >>= print
> prints (fairly reliably, it seems):
> ThreadFinished
> ThreadBlocked BlockedOnException
> (Trac is giving me errors right now. I'm planning to report this later.)
>> I also tried a version with brackAsync and found that it eventually locks up
>> even under ghci. When compiled & run multi-threaded, it locks up almost
>> immediately.
>> -- This one locks up after a while even in ghci. When compiled -threaded
>> -- and run +RTS -N2, it locks up almost immediately.
>> a `race` b = do
>> v <- newEmptyMVar
>> let t x = x >>= putMVar v
>> withThread (t a) $ withThread (t b) $ takeMVar v
>> where
>> withThread u v = brackAsync (forkIO u) killThread (const v)
> At the point the 'forkIO' is run, exceptions are blocked, making the
> thread basically immortal. Using
>> withThread u v = brackAsync (forkIO $ unblock u) killThread (const v)
> we get the same behaviour as with my 'race' - it works for a while, but
> locks up eventually.
> I believe that the actual lockup is similar to the test programs above
> in all cases - what's different is just the probability of triggering
> it.
> regards,
> Bertram
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