[reactive] First draft of reactive-tetris

Conal Elliott conal at conal.net
Tue Nov 18 18:05:40 EST 2008

That definition looks right to me, Peter.  Nice job!     - Conal

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 2:18 PM, Peter Verswyvelen <bugfact at gmail.com>wrote:

> Just to be curious, what would be the definition of withSubs? Something
> like
> withSubs :: [a] -> Event b -> Event (b,a)
> withSubs xs = (fmap.fmap) head . stateE xs tail
> Haven't tested it, still actively learning reactive...
> 2008/11/18 Conal Elliott <conal at conal.net>
> Also, a less forgetful version of subs might be useful:
>>      withSubs xs e :: [a] -> Event b -> Event (b,a)
>> and then
>>     subs xs e  = snd <$> withSubs xs e
>> or, if you like,
>>     subs = (fmap.fmap.fmap) snd withSubs
>> Btw, you can read the three fmaps directly from the signature of withSubs
>> (two arrows plus one Event on the way to the pair).
>>   - Conal
>> On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 10:11 AM, Conal Elliott <conal at conal.net> wrote:
>>> Cool!  Thanks to quicksilver for the insight on and elegant definition of
>>> subs.
>>> How about one of the following terser variations on the randomEvent def:
>>>     randomEvent std e = subs (randoms g) e
>>>     randomEvent std = subs (randoms g)
>>>     randomEvent = subs . randoms
>>>   - Conal
>>> 2008/11/18 Creighton Hogg <wchogg at gmail.com>
>>>> Being a dirty schlub & replying to myself, it turns out there is a way
>>>> to substitute an infinite list into an Event as we've talked about this on
>>>> #haskell this morning.
>>>> subs xs e :: [a] -> Event b -> Event a
>>>> subs xs e = head <$> accumE xs (tail <$ e)
>>>> so then we can very easily do
>>>> randomEvent :: (RandomGen g,Random b) => g -> Event a -> Event b
>>>> randomEvent std e = let vals = randoms g in subs vals e
>>>> Cool!
>>>> Now I just need to change my Tetris to do that instead of messing with a
>>>> Behavior.
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