[reactive] Small network-y example

David Sankel camior at gmail.com
Tue Nov 18 16:02:49 EST 2008

> import FRP.Reactive
> import FRP.Reactive.Future
> import Data.Monoid

If I understand properly, you're interested in making a reactive adapter for
network communication between 0 or more channels. I think of a network
connection as both producing chunks of information and receiving chunks. Lets
say the chunks are strings . . .

> newtype NetConnection_ = NC_ (Event String -> Event String)

In this case, we'd also like to allow either the sender or the
receiver to close the connection at some time. We could use a future
for this (or simulate it with an Event)

> type Future a = FutureG ITime a

> newtype NetInput = NI (Event String, Future ())

> chunks :: NetInput -> Event String
> chunks (NI a) = fst a

> end :: NetInput -> Future ()
> end (NI a) = snd a

> type NetConnection = NetInput -> NetInput

Now we could query the end future of our NetConnection2:

> endC :: NetInput -> NetConnection -> Future ()
> endC i c = end (c i) `mappend` end i

To talk about multiple net connections, we need a way to allow for them not only
to speak to each other, but to end eachother's connections. For this we can

> type NetConnections = [NetInput] -> [NetInput]

The above would require the number of elements of the input be the same as the
output. Anyone have some other ideas? The adapter would look like

> data StaticInfo = SI
> adapt :: NetConnections -> StaticInfo -> IO ()
> adapt = undefined


2008/11/12 Creighton Hogg <wchogg at gmail.com>
> This is very much a work in progress, but I thought I'd share it with the class and see if there are any suggestions.  My ultimate goal is to figure out how to make a small MUD with Reactive.
> So this is my second attempt at figuring out how we can make an adapter for network communication.  At the moment the idea is that you can provide a function of signature
> String -> [Handle] -> IO ()
> to the function adapt and you'll get back an IO () suitable for your main loop.
> > {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
> >
> > module Main where
> >
> > import Control.Concurrent
> > import Control.Monad
> > import FRP.Reactive
> > import FRP.Reactive.Internal.Reactive (runE)
> > import FRP.Reactive.Internal.Timing
> > import FRP.Reactive.Improving
> > import FRP.Reactive.LegacyAdapters
> > import Network
> > import System.IO
> >
> > pushMessage' :: [Handle] -> String -> IO ()
> > pushMessage' hs s = mapM_ (flip hPutStrLn s) hs
> >
> > pushMessage :: Behavior [Handle] -> Event String -> Event Action
> > pushMessage b e = fmap (\(s,hs) -> mapM_ (flip hPutStrLn s) hs) $ snapshot e b
> >
> > messageHandler :: Handle -> Sink String -> IO ()
> > messageHandler h = (hGetLine h >>=)
> >
> > adapt :: (Behavior [Handle] -> Event String -> Event Action) -> IO ()
> > adapt f = do
> >   c <- makeClock
> >   (messageE,msgSink) <- makeEvent c
> >   connectE <- socketServer c msgSink
> >   let handles = accumB [] (fmap (:) connectE)
> >   runE (sleepPast (cGetTime c) . exact) $ f handles messageE
> >
> > main :: IO ()
> > main = adapt pushMessage
> >
> > socketServer :: Clock TimeT -> Sink String -> IO (Event Handle)
> > socketServer c msgSink = withSocketsDo $ do
> >                  (event,sink) <- makeEvent c
> >                  socket <- listenOn (PortNumber 5000)
> >                  forkIO $ forever $ acceptConnection socket sink msgSink
> >                  return event
> >
> > acceptConnection :: Socket -> Sink Handle -> Sink String -> IO ThreadId
> > acceptConnection s handleSink msgSink = do
> >   (h,_,_) <- accept s
> >   hSetBuffering h NoBuffering
> >   handleSink h
> >   forkIO $ forever $ messageHandler h msgSink
> There are a few caveats here, though, in that I haven't yet figured out how to handle errors or the closing of handles.  In a perfect world, in which I am much smarter than I actually am, we'd have a properly captured notion of disconnect events of type Event Handle that I can combine via something like
> accumB [] $ (fmap (:) connectE) `mappend` (fmap delete disconnectE)
> The problem I have is that I'm not sure yet how to generate the disconnect events.
> Cheers,
> Creighton
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David Sankel
Sankel Software

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