[reactive] Stars - a simple reactive simulation with an alternative Reactive implementation

Trin trin.cz at gmail.com
Tue Dec 16 18:07:10 EST 2008

Jules Bean wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just uploaded the results of my tinkering with Reactive-style FRP to
> http://roobarb.jellybean.co.uk/~jules/stars.4.tgz
> It should compile with ghc 6.8 or 6.6 and presumably also 6.10. I
> recommend the command-line:
> ghc -threaded -O2 --make stars.hs
Stars are nice, but very complex. As I am new to haskell (and reactive), 
I found that myreactive.hs was just what I needed for playing with 
reactive - a single working piece of program, that I can slowly modify.
Many thanks for that.

> It doesn't have any library dependencies outside of extralibs (opengl
> et al). It's not very interactive but you can do the following:
> * mouseover the planets to see a price list
> * mouseover a ship to see what it's carrying
> * PgUp/PgDn to zoom in/out
> * click on a ship (not the easiest thing in the world with the speed
>   they move at) to switch to a view which centers on the ship.
> My goals on writing this code were to exhibit various different kinds
> of discrete and continuous behaviour as a serious test on how the
> framework holds together. All kinds of stuff is displayed around the
> edges of the screen so you can see stuff changing or not changing.
> The "simulated universe" evolves at fixed rate based on a ticking
> timer. Two and a half ticks per second. The frame rate is completely
> independent of that, and is capped at around 60fps by virtue of a 16ms
> timer, although I make no attempt to keep it smooth. I suspect it's
> fairly vicious on your CPU; it runs OK for me on a 2Ghz C2D. The
> actual displayed location of the ships is "tweened" between the last
> and next 'tick' for smooth movement, the percentage of 'tween' is
> shown in the top-left.
> MouseMotion events from GLUT update the world-coordinate mouse
> position which enables the mouseover code for ships and planets. There
> is a known bug that when the camera is constantly moving (i.e. you
> click on a ship) the world-coords need constantly updating but they
> aren't until next time you move the mouse.
> The behaviour which says "camera follows the selected ship if there is
> one and stands still if not" requires 'feedback' from one phase to the
> next. This would be a classic use of a recursive snapshot, but since I
> can't get that working I implemented a non-recursive "switcherFold".
> The implementation of Reactive is not conal's, but my own. It takes a
> very different approach at the low level: eschewing the notion of a
> 'blocking pure value' which makes me slightly uncomfortable, I
> explicitly mark possibly blocking stuff with IO, giving an explicitly
> IO implementation of Future. However, this isn't exposed at the user
> level: the user-level combinators follow conal's very closely, with
> just a few differences here and there where I didn't see something and
> came up with my own alternative.
> My main motivation for writing my own implementation was learning, but
> now I've done so it's quite interesting to examine the different design
> choices.
> I had quite a few space leaks to track down, which I did with GHC's
> heap profiling. Mostly I found -hT (which doesn't even need profiling
> compilation) and -hc useful, but try all of them. One space leak I
> couldn't fix properly and had to hack was in shipclicks; in the end I
> have added in an artificial ticker to properly progress, more of which
> in another email perhaps.
> Another spaceleak, in shipclicks'' required "cojoinB", which provides
> pre-aged behaviours to use (via snapshot or <*>) in closures; naive
> use of a Behaviour in a closure holds onto the head of the Behaviour
> forever.
> There are still some minor space leaks, but they are very minor in
> comparison to the big ones I fixed. I will track them down in due
> course. It might be only the "history" leak which is commented.
> Oh, I should say the code is really ugly. Sorry about that.
> One of the bits of code I have finally uploaded as a result of this is
> 'FunctionalTexture' which is a setup for two dimensional procedurally
> rendered textures in the style of POVray - turbulence, marbles,
> layering, that kind of thing. I just use it to make the planets look
> slightly more interesting but it's capable of much more.
> Jules
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