[nhc-bugs] gcc 3.3 build failure
Ian Lynagh
igloo at earth.li
Sun Sep 21 14:55:40 EDT 2003
On Fri, Sep 19, 2003 at 10:31:52AM +0100, Malcolm Wallace wrote:
> Ian Lynagh <igloo at earth.li> writes:
> > My builds with gcc 3.3 on Linux are segfaulting.
> We already saw a similar behaviour in the move from gcc-2.95 to
> gcc-3.x, so although we have fixed it once, perhaps the cause is
> similar. I suspect a change in the alignment constraints inserted
> into the assembler code. nhc98 assumes and requires a
> .align 4
> between constant arrays of unsigned long. In gcc-3.0, these sometimes
> inexplicably lengthened to
> .align 32
> and there is an "evil mangler" in the nhc98 driver script which
> converts them back to 4.
> I suggest you run
> gcc -x c -S -Iinclude
> on an arbitrary .hc file somewhere in the distribution package,
> and examine the output .s file with "grep .align". If any of the
> numbers are neither 4 nor 32, then we have the culprit.
Not with
gcc -x c -S -Iinclude src/compiler98/AssocTree.hc
I've attached the .s file.
> > which I think should be the two non-win32 patches from your website, the
> > asmlong.h patch you committed to CVS, changing abort(-1) to abort() in
> > src/runtime/Integer/alloca.c and protecting a trailing \ in
> > src/prelude/List/Difference.hs with a comment.
> Your extra bugfixes are noted, thanks.
Also, I don't think make clean should be removing the .hc files in the
--- nhc98-1.16.orig/src/compiler98/Makefile
+++ nhc98-1.16/src/compiler98/Makefile
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
cd $(OBJDIR); $(LOCAL)nhc98 -H8M -o $(TARGET) *.$O
strip $(TARGET)
- rm -f $(OBJDIR)/*.$O *.$O *.hi *.hc
+ rm -f $(OBJDIR)/*.$O *.$O *.hi
realclean: clean
rm -f *.hc *.c $(TARGET)
--- nhc98-1.16.orig/src/hmake/Makefile
+++ nhc98-1.16/src/hmake/Makefile
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
rm -f $(OBJS) $(CPPOBJS) $(OBJDIR)/Older.$O $(OBJDIR)/MkConfig.$O
- rm -f *.hi *.hc *.c
+ rm -f *.hi *.c
realclean: clean
rm -f $(TARGETS)
> > Also, your build system isn't very clear to me - what is the recommended
> > way to use /usr/bin/gcc-2.95 as the C compiler?
> The best way would be to set it up at configure time:
> CC=gcc-2.95 ./configure ...
> make basic
$ tar -zxf nhc98src-1.16.tar.gz
$ cd nhc98-1.16/
$ CC=gcc-2.95 ./configure > ../configure.out
cat: targets/ix86-Linux/ghcsym: No such file or directory
$ make basic
make: *** No rule to make target `basic-gcc', needed by `basic'. Stop.
Passing configure --buildwith=gcc-2.95 doesn't help.
-------------- next part --------------
.file "AssocTree.hc"
.align 4
.type startLabel, @object
.size startLabel, 12
.long 131072
.long 33554689
.long startLabel+36
.globl FN_AssocTree_46mapAT
.align 32
.type FN_AssocTree_46mapAT, @object
.size FN_AssocTree_46mapAT, 32
.long 19565184
.long 704870027
.long 613183746
.long 486897158
.long 158
.long 0
.long 131076
.long 0
.globl F0_AssocTree_46mapAT
.align 32
.type F0_AssocTree_46mapAT, @object
.size F0_AssocTree_46mapAT, 156
.long FN_AssocTree_46mapAT-9
.long startLabel+69
.long FN_Tree234_46treeMap-5
.long FN_Prelude_46_36-5
.long F0_NHC_46Internal_46_95id
.long 131072
.long 33554689
.long startLabel+108
.long -2145674367
.long 713687577
.long 594644481
.long 91655681
.long 40476
.long 0
.long 0
.long 33685506
.long 131073
.long 0
.long startLabel+67
.long FN_NHC_46Internal_46_95apply1-5
.long 16908291
.long 50332161
.long startLabel+168
.long -2145674111
.long 1245721
.long 713716101
.long 2122876673
.long 453213700
.long 486677120
.long 158
.long 0
.long 196609
.long 0
.long startLabel+125
.long FN_Prelude_46compare-5
.long 262144
.long 33685763
.long 67109633
.long startLabel+228
.globl FN_AssocTree_46updateAT
.align 32
.type FN_AssocTree_46updateAT, @object
.size FN_AssocTree_46updateAT, 36
.long 69896832
.long 50408331
.long 1980135052
.long 1895967237
.long 119801380
.long -1642264970
.long 0
.long 262149
.long 0
.globl F0_AssocTree_46updateAT
.align 32
.type F0_AssocTree_46updateAT, @object
.size F0_AssocTree_46updateAT, 96
.long FN_AssocTree_46updateAT-13
.long startLabel+265
.long startLabel+129
.long FN_Tree234_46treeUpdate-5
.long FN_Prelude_46_36-5
.long F0_NHC_46Internal_46_95id
.long 131072
.long 33554689
.long startLabel+304
.long -2145674367
.long 713687577
.long 594644481
.long 91655681
.long 40476
.long 0
.long 0
.long 33685506
.long 131073
.long 0
.long startLabel+263
.long FN_NHC_46Internal_46_95apply1-5
.long 16908291
.long 50332161
.long startLabel+364
.globl FN_AssocTree_46lookupAT
.align 32
.type FN_AssocTree_46lookupAT, @object
.size FN_AssocTree_46lookupAT, 40
.long -1979636864
.long 50408331
.long 108432497
.long 108398198
.long -1642266070
.long 0
.long 0
.long 2
.long 196611
.long 0
.globl F0_AssocTree_46lookupAT
.align 32
.type F0_AssocTree_46lookupAT, @object
.size F0_AssocTree_46lookupAT, 140
.long FN_AssocTree_46lookupAT-11
.long startLabel+389
.long startLabel+129
.long FN_Tree234_46treeSearch-5
.long 16777217
.long startLabel+420
.long -2145674623
.long 594608665
.long -1642295551
.long 0
.long 0
.long 16842770
.long 65536
.long 0
.long startLabel+389
.long 262144
.long 33685763
.long 67109633
.long startLabel+480
.long 77431177
.long 35225627
.long 1904541715
.long -2029966710
.long 2114223752
.long 444603139
.long 10362114
.long 0
.long 262145
.long 0
.long startLabel+435
.long FN_Prelude_46compare-5
.long 17039365
.long 50463235
.long 83887105
.long startLabel+556
.globl FN_AssocTree_46addAT
.align 32
.type FN_AssocTree_46addAT, @object
.size FN_AssocTree_46addAT, 52
.long 53119616
.long 67185547
.long 69927203
.long 158764037
.long 108398710
.long 611385898
.long 1980179462
.long 10362119
.long 0
.long 0
.long 33685506
.long 327685
.long 0
.globl F0_AssocTree_46addAT
.align 32
.type F0_AssocTree_46addAT, @object
.size F0_AssocTree_46addAT, 100
.long FN_AssocTree_46addAT-15
.long startLabel+591
.long startLabel+439
.long FN_Tree234_46treeAdd-5
.long FN_Prelude_46_36-5
.long F0_NHC_46Internal_46_95id
.long 16908291
.long 50332161
.long startLabel+640
.long 421239681
.long 25074690
.long 35225627
.long 755051146
.long 594644483
.long 108432897
.long 40476
.long 0
.long 0
.long 33685506
.long 196609
.long 0
.long startLabel+589
.long FN_NHC_46Internal_46_95apply2-5
.long 0
.long startLabel+676
.globl FN_AssocTree_46initAT
.align 4
.type FN_AssocTree_46initAT, @object
.size FN_AssocTree_46initAT, 20
.long 486739073
.long 158
.long 0
.long 1
.long 0
.globl CF_AssocTree_46initAT
.align 4
.type CF_AssocTree_46initAT, @object
.size CF_AssocTree_46initAT, 16
.long FN_AssocTree_46initAT-5
.long CF_Tree234_46initTree
.long 16777217
.long startLabel+716
.globl FN_AssocTree_46listAT
.align 4
.type FN_AssocTree_46listAT, @object
.size FN_AssocTree_46listAT, 24
.long -1955493248
.long 19530358
.long 40477
.long 0
.long 65538
.long 0
.globl F0_AssocTree_46listAT
.align 32
.type F0_AssocTree_46listAT, @object
.size F0_AssocTree_46listAT, 72
.long FN_AssocTree_46listAT-7
.long startLabel+739
.long FN_Tree234_46treeMapList-5
.long 131072
.long 33554689
.long startLabel+772
.long 19100032
.long 469893419
.long 158
.long 0
.long 0
.long 33685522
.long 131072
.long 0
.long startLabel+739
.long 131072
.long 33554689
.long startLabel+816
.globl FN_AssocTree_46reorderAT
.align 4
.type FN_AssocTree_46reorderAT, @object
.size FN_AssocTree_46reorderAT, 28
.long 36342400
.long 19565425
.long 486897292
.long 158
.long 0
.long 131075
.long 0
.globl F0_AssocTree_46reorderAT
.align 4
.type F0_AssocTree_46reorderAT, @object
.size F0_AssocTree_46reorderAT, 28
.long FN_AssocTree_46reorderAT-9
.long FN_AssocTree_46listAT-5
.long FN_Prelude_46foldl-5
.long CF_AssocTree_46initAT
.long 16908291
.long 50332161
.long startLabel+872
.globl FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46show
.align 4
.type FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46show, @object
.size FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46show, 28
.long 19630720
.long 53119746
.long 108432497
.long -1642265482
.long 0
.long 196611
.long 0
.globl F0_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46show
.align 4
.type F0_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46show, @object
.size F0_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46show, 28
.long FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46show-11
.long FN_Prelude_46Show_46Prelude_462-5
.long FN_AssocTree_46listAT-5
.long FN_Prelude_46Show_46Prelude_46_91_93_46show-5
.long 16908291
.long 50332161
.long startLabel+928
.globl FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46showsType
.align 4
.type FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46showsType, @object
.size FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46showsType, 28
.long 19630720
.long 1988849922
.long 486746628
.long 158
.long 0
.long 196610
.long 0
.globl F0_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46showsType
.align 4
.type F0_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46showsType, @object
.size F0_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46showsType, 24
.long FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46showsType-11
.long FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree-5
.long FN_Prelude_46_95_46showsType-5
.long 16908291
.long 50332161
.long startLabel+980
.globl FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46showList
.align 4
.type FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46showList, @object
.size FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46showList, 28
.long 19630720
.long 1988849922
.long 486746628
.long 158
.long 0
.long 196610
.long 0
.globl F0_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46showList
.align 4
.type F0_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46showList, @object
.size F0_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46showList, 28
.long FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46showList-11
.long FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree-5
.long FN_Prelude_46_95_46showList-5
.long 262144
.long 33685763
.long 67109633
.long startLabel+1036
.globl FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46showsPrec
.align 4
.type FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46showsPrec, @object
.size FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46showsPrec, 28
.long 19630720
.long 1988849922
.long 67316740
.long 158
.long 0
.long 262146
.long 0
.globl F0_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46showsPrec
.align 4
.type F0_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46showsPrec, @object
.size F0_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46showsPrec, 24
.long FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46showsPrec-13
.long FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree-5
.long FN_Prelude_46_95_46showsPrec-5
.long 131072
.long 33554689
.long startLabel+1116
.globl FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree
.align 32
.type FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree, @object
.size FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree, 56
.long 730493312
.long -1955528191
.long 1895956779
.long 33631116
.long 721822833
.long 594608641
.long 755248385
.long 479104771
.long 158
.long 0
.long 0
.long 67371010
.long 131076
.long 0
.globl F0_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree
.align 4
.type F0_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree, @object
.size F0_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree, 20
.long FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree-9
.long FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46showsPrec-9
.long FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46showsType-7
.long FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46showList-7
.long FN_Prelude_46Show_46AssocTree_46AssocTree_46show-7
.ident "GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2 20030908 (Debian prerelease)"
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