[nhc-bugs] [Patch] Small hmake bug

Brent Fulgham bfulg@pacbell.net
Sun, 27 Oct 2002 21:36:10 -0800

Now that GHC includes its own interpreter, probably very few people are using 'hi'
with it.  However, I ran across this small problem while testing a build of HMake
and thought I'd pass along the patch.  It corrects a change in the library hierarchy
in the 5.04+ series of GHC:

--- hmake-3.06.orig/src/interpreter/HiConfig.hs
+++ hmake-3.06/src/interpreter/HiConfig.hs
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 -- Generate a temporary filename unique to this invocation.
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 nonstdCoerceImport c  = case c of
     Nhc98 -> "import NonStdUnsafeCoerce"
     Hbc   -> ""
-    Ghc   -> "import PrelGHC(unsafeCoerce#)"
+    Ghc   -> "import GHC.Base(unsafeCoerce#)"
     _     -> ""
 nonstdCoerce c  = case c of
     Nhc98 -> "\ncoerce=unsafeCoerce\n"