[nhc-bugs] nhc98 module bug
Manuel M. T. Chakravarty
Wed, 26 Sep 2001 18:43:51 +1000
The following combination of three modules breaks nhc98
===== First module ======
module M (T, foo)
newtype T = T Int
foo :: Int -> T
foo x = T (x + 1)
===== Second module ======
module N (foo)
import M (T)
import qualified M (foo)
data S = S T
foo :: Int -> S
foo y = S $ M.foo y
===== Third module ======
import N (foo)
main = print $ const 42 (foo 100)
Compile with
nhc98 -c M.hs
nhc98 -c N.hs
nhc98 -c Main.hs
to get
Error when renaming::
Identifier foo defined 2 times.
The problem is quite subtle. It is the combination of
qualified import of `M.foo' in `N' and export of another
`foo' in `N', where `N.foo' has a type that depends on
`M.T'. Looking into `N.hi' there are indeed two definitions
of `foo', where nhc doesn't seem to properly distinguish
that they come from two different modules.
PS: In case anybody is wondering, I am still trying to get
nhc to compile the basic compiler-support libraries that
I need to port C->Haskell.