[nhc-bugs] nhc 1.10 bugs

Lennart Augustsson augustss@augustsson.net
Fri, 26 Oct 2001 13:53:25 +0200 (MEST)

Here are some Time related bugs and fixes.
tdPicosec misspelled, diffClockTimes and addClockTimes not implemeted

	-- Lennart

module Time where

data TimeDiff = TimeDiff {
    tdYear, tdMonth, tdDay, tdHour, tdMin, tdSec :: Int,
    tdPicosec                                    :: Integer
    } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

module Time where

import DClockTime
import DTimeDiff

diffClockTimes :: ClockTime -> ClockTime -> TimeDiff
diffClockTimes (CT t) (CT t') = TimeDiff { tdYear = 0, tdMon = 0, tdDay = dd, tdHour = dh, tdMin = dm, tdSec = ds, tdPicosec = 0 }
  where ts = t-t'
	(tm, ds) = quotRem ts 60
	(th, dm) = quotRem tm 60
	(dd, dh) = quotRem th 24
	-- tdMon and tdYear make no sense, so ignore them
module Time where

import DTimeDiff
import DClockTime

addToClockTime :: TimeDiff -> ClockTime -> ClockTime
addToClockTime td (CT i) = CT (i+d)
  -- tdYear and tdMonth make no sense, ignore them
  where d = ((tdDay td * 24 + tdHour td) * 60 + tdMin td) * 60 + tdSec td