characterization of subset of Monads that respect tail calls?
Tom Ellis
tom-lists-haskell-cafe-2017 at
Wed Sep 28 10:26:50 UTC 2022
On Tue, Sep 27, 2022 at 05:24:43PM -0400, A S wrote:
> The definition tailRecM1, while it typechecks, will not always
> operate in constant stack space
> As for tailRecM2, unfortunately this precludes many useful and nontrivial
> MonadRec instances such as Effect and Aff, which admit no such distributing
> natural transformation (if this is what you actually meant for the first
> argument to be).
Correct, the distribution property is too strong to capture all
MonadRec instances. However, it does capture Maybe, Either e and
Identity. To capture (r ->)/Reader we need something more general
(tailRecM3) which is sadly significantly less pleasant, but unless I
am much mistaken it captures all instances of tailRecM that use
tailRec. Maybe it's too unpleasant to be used in practice as an
alternative of a direct implementation of tailRecM.
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Rec where
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(Identity))
data Step a b = Loop a | Done b
onDone :: (b -> b') -> Step a b -> Step a b'
onDone f = \case
Loop a -> Loop a
Done b -> Done (f b)
tailRec :: (a -> Step a b) -> a -> b
tailRec f = go . f
go (Loop a) = go (f a)
go (Done b) = b
-- | This works for all monads but is not necessarily stack safe.
tailRecM1 :: Monad m => (a -> m (Step a b)) -> a -> m b
tailRecM1 f a = do
f a >>= \case
Loop a' -> tailRecM1 f a'
Done b -> pure b
-- | This works for all monads with a particular distribution property
-- and is stack safe through the use of @tailRec at .
tailRecM3 ::
Monad m =>
((a -> m (Step a b)) -> m (a -> Step a l)) ->
(l -> m b) ->
(a -> m (Step a b)) ->
a ->
m b
tailRecM3 distribute finish f a = do
g <- distribute f
finish (tailRec g a)
tailRecReader :: (a -> r -> Step a b) -> a -> r -> b
tailRecReader = tailRecM3 (\f r a -> f a r) (\b _ -> b)
tailRecDistribute ::
Monad m =>
(m (Step a b) -> Step a (m b)) ->
(a -> m (Step a b)) ->
a ->
m b
tailRecDistribute distribute = tailRecM3 (\f -> pure (\a -> distribute
(f a))) id
tailRecMaybe :: (a -> Maybe (Step a b)) -> a -> Maybe b
tailRecMaybe = tailRecDistribute $ \case
Nothing -> Done Nothing
Just j -> onDone pure j
tailRecEither :: (a -> Either e (Step a b)) -> a -> Either e b
tailRecEither = tailRecDistribute $ \case
Left e -> Done (Left e)
Right r -> onDone pure r
tailRecIdentity :: (a -> Identity (Step a b)) -> a -> Identity b
tailRecIdentity = tailRecDistribute $ \case
Identity i -> onDone pure i
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