Let ReadP carry a failure message
David Feuer
david.feuer at gmail.com
Fri Nov 20 03:16:21 UTC 2020
ReadP was never designed to produce useful error messages. Have you
experimented with your design? Do the messages it produces help find the
On Thu, Nov 19, 2020, 10:08 PM Dannyu NDos <ndospark320 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Firstly, I propose a new class. This class is like MonadFail, but with
> "error bind" operator:
> class Monad m => FailMsg m where
> failMsg :: String -> m a
> (>?=) :: m a -> (String -> m a) -> m a
> Laws are:
> * For every (x :: m a), if (x ≡ fail msg) for some (msg :: String),
> msg shall be unique.
> * For (x ≡ fail msg), (x >?= f ≡ f msg). If such msg doesn't exist,
> (x >?= _ ≡ x).
> Basic instances are:
> instance e ~ String => FailMsg (Either e) where
> failMsg = Left
> Left msg >?= f = f msg
> x >?= _ = x
> instance FailMsg IO where
> failMsg = throwIO . userError
> action >?= f = catch action (f . ioeGetErrorString)
> Now let's focus on ReadP. Let P carry a failure message:
> data P a
> = Get (Char -> P a)
> | Look (String -> P a)
> | Fail String
> | Result a (P a)
> | Final (NonEmpty (a,String))
> Then we have:
> instance FailMsg P where
> fail = Fail
> Fail msg >?= f = f msg
> p >?= _ = p
> instance FailMsg ReadP where
> fail msg = R (\_ -> fail msg)
> R m >?= f = R (\k -> case m k of
> Fail msg -> let
> R n = f msg
> in n k
> p -> p
> )
> This is incredibly useful. This can be used when there are multiple
> types of parse error.
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