What Haskell users are actively maintaining or deving software using ghc <8

Carter Schonwald carter.schonwald at gmail.com
Wed May 27 14:50:11 UTC 2020

Hey all,
What are the oldest ghc versions folks are actually using to build software
they actually use ? What are the contexts for these ?

I know a lot of library maintainers, myself included try to make it easy to
suport as wide a version range of ghc as possible.  In my case I find it
useful to just have another way to evaluate how stable I can make a

That said, what actual old ghc versions are folks actually using?

Afaict, the oldest ghc currently in a lts linux distro is ghc 7.0 in centos

Then centos 7 and the oldest Ubuntu lts are 7.6, then more recent distros
plus most other os platforms like the bsds are on 8.0-8.4 as the oldest
supported / provided ghc.

Who are the users today and how important are they for todays library
maintainers ?
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