What replaces prime.haskell.org?

Ben Gamari ben at well-typed.com
Wed May 20 14:51:08 UTC 2020

Gershom B <gershomb at gmail.com> writes:

> With prime.haskell.org gone (perhaps permanently?) what becomes of its
> archives, in particular of libraries committee related material?
> In particular, I was looking up the three release policy, and the
> canonical link for it seems to be
> http://web.archive.org/web/20190422080453/https://prime.haskell.org/wiki/Libraries/3-Release-Policy
> Is this available elsewhere, or will it be migrated elsewhere?
Since I heard no response from the commitee, I ran the usual GitLab
migration script and moved the content to GitLab [1]. The three release
policy in particular can be found here [2]. I also meant to setup some
redirections, although it seems that was dropped. I'll try to do this.

Needless to say, the some of the content could use a bit of clean-up.
Moreover, the Wiki page index is quite poor; some better categorization
of the content would probably be helpful. However, without an active
standardization process I have my doubts that this will happen. At this
point I suspect we should update the website to reflect the fact that
the 2020 process has fizzled out.


- Ben

[1] https://gitlab.haskell.org/haskell/prime/
[2] https://gitlab.haskell.org/haskell/prime/-/wikis/libraries/3-release-policy
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