Bifoldable instance for Map
Joseph C. Sible
josephcsible at
Mon Jun 1 21:34:19 UTC 2020
Aren't you basically just saying that you lose some of the structure
(namely, the knowledge that the "key" and its "value" go together)?
But doesn't every Foldable instance on a type that's more complex than
a list also do that? For example, if you fold a rose tree, you lose
the knowledge of which elements came from which branches.
(Completely unrelated: "Loost" and the names of its data constructors
sound like something straight from Dr. Seuss.)
Joseph C. Sible
On Mon, Jun 1, 2020 at 8:28 AM David Feuer <david.feuer at> wrote:
> Let me be more specific. Whereas we can get intuition for Foldable from
> toList :: t a -> [a]
> we get intuition for Bifoldable from the hypothetical
> toEitherList :: t a b -> [Either a b]
> This seems quite reasonable for some types.
> data Loost a b
> = Nool
> | Corns b (Loost a b)
> | Colns a (Loost a b)
> But for something like
> newtype Plist a b
> = PNil
> | PCons a b (PList a b)
> it feels awfully strange. Independent parts of the structure just get lumped together.
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