Fwd: add instance PrintfArg Ratio

Dannyu NDos ndospark320 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 9 06:14:52 UTC 2020

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보낸사람: Dannyu NDos <ndospark320 at gmail.com>
Date: 2020년 2월 9일 (일) 오후 3:14
Subject: Re: add instance PrintfArg Ratio
To: Henning Thielemann <lemming at henning-thielemann.de>


instance (Integral a, PrintfArg a) => PrintfArg (Ratio a) where
    formatArg x f@(FieldFormat w p a s l _ c) = if elem c "gGv"
        then let
            d = " % " ++ formatArg (denominator x) (FieldFormat Nothing
Nothing Nothing s l "" 'd') ""
            (w',a') = case a of
                Just LeftAdjust -> (Nothing, Nothing)
                _ -> (fmap (subtract (length d)) w, a)
            n = formatArg (numerator x) (f {fmtWidth = w', fmtAdjust = a',
fmtChar = 'd'}) ""
            in formatArg (n ++ d) (f {fmtPrecision = Nothing, fmtChar =
        else if elem c "doxXb"
            then formatArg (round x :: Integer) f
            else case p of
                Nothing -> error "Text.Printf.formatArg: precision not
                Just p' -> if p' <= 0
                    then formatArg x (f {fmtPrecision = Nothing, fmtChar =
                    else if elem c "fF"
                        then let
                            a' = case a of
                                Just LeftAdjust -> Nothing
                                _ -> a
                            digits = formatArg (truncate (x * 10 ^ p') ::
Integer) (f {fmtPrecision = Nothing, fmtAdjust = a', fmtChar = 'd'}) ""
                            (n,sig) = splitAt (length digits - p') digits
                            in formatArg (n ++ '.' : sig) (f {fmtPrecision
= Nothing, fmtChar = 's'})
                        else if elem c "eE"
                            then let
                                (q,e) = log10 x
                                sig = c : show e
                                (w',a') = case a of
                                    Just LeftAdjust -> (Nothing, Nothing)
                                    _ -> (fmap (subtract (length sig)) w, a)
                                fp = formatArg q (f {fmtWidth = w',
fmtAdjust = a', fmtChar = 'f'}) ""
                                in formatArg (fp ++ sig) (f {fmtPrecision =
Nothing, fmtChar = 's'})
                            else error "Text.Printf.formatArg: bad format
        goF _ 0 = ""
        goF x p = case compare x 0 of
            LT -> '-' : goF (negate x) p
            EQ -> "0"
            GT -> if 1 == p
                then show (round (10 * x) :: Integer)
                else let
                    x10 = 10 * x
                    n = truncate x10
                    in show n ++ goF (x10 - fromIntegral n) (p - 1)
        log10 x
            | x < 1 = let
                (q,e) = log10 (x * 10)
                in (q, e - 1)
            | 10 <= x = let
                (q,e) = log10 (x / 10)
                in (q, e + 1)
            | otherwise = (x, 0)
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