Add Data.Foldable1 to base

Andrew Martin andrew.thaddeus at
Fri Oct 18 00:03:21 UTC 2019

While I want this abstraction in base, I don’t want it there yet. There is an open issue on semigroupoids about renaming everything:

This needs to be handled before the abstraction is brought into base. Also, foldr1 is awful in common situations. See

The problem is that refinements of this abstraction seem to have stalled in semigroupoids, but these are desperately needed before the abstraction is brought into base.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 17, 2019, at 10:42 AM, Oleg Grenrus <oleg.grenrus at> wrote:
> I propose adding `Foldable1` type-class into `base1`.
> Add Foldable1
> =============
> Motivation
> ----------
> It's regularly asked whether `Foldable1` could be added to `base`
> (e.g. on reddit[^ref1], there're also GHC issue[^ref2] and old
> phabricator diff[^ref3])
> Also there's work towards non-empty maps and sets[^ref4],
> which would benefit from `Foldable1`.
> As commented on reddit, `Foldable1` could be added without any pain
> to the `base` as it's pure addition - no modifications needed in
> existing modules.
> [^ref1]:
> [^ref2]:
> [^ref3]:
> [^ref4]:
> Change
> ------
> The change exist as merge request[^ref4] on
> Importantly, this change **doesn't change** anything in other modules
> of `base`, except of adding a `Foldable` instance to `Data.Complex`.
> In particular, `foldl1` and `foldr1` in `Data.Foldable` remain partial, etc.
> My version of `Foldable1` class is big, so I'll comment the motivation
> for each member
> ```haskell
> class Foldable t => Foldable1 t where
>     {-# MINIMAL foldMap1 | toNonEmpty | foldr1map #-}
>     -- the defining member, like foldMap but only asking for Semigroup
>     foldMap1 :: Semigroup m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
>     fold1 :: Semigroup m => t m -> m#
>     -- strict foldMap1, cf foldMap'
>     foldMap1' :: Semigroup m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
>     -- analogue of toList
>     toNonEmpty :: t a -> NonEmpty a
>     -- left&right, strict&non-strict folds
>     foldr1  :: (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> a
>     foldr1' :: (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> a
>     foldl1  :: (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> a
>     foldl1' :: (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> a
>     -- these can have efficient implementation for NonEmptySet
>     maximum1 :: forall a. Ord a => t a -> a
>     minimum1 :: forall a. Ord a => t a -> a
>     -- head1 have efficient implementation for NonEmpty and Tree
>     -- last1 for symmetry
>     head1 :: t a -> a
>     last1 :: t a -> a
>     -- fold variants with premap.
>     -- Without this map, we cannot implement foldl using foldr etc.
>     foldr1map  :: (a -> b) -> (b -> b -> b) -> t a -> b
>     foldl1'map :: (a -> b) -> (b -> b -> b) -> t a -> b
>     foldl1map  :: (a -> b) -> (b -> b -> b) -> t a -> b
>     foldr1'map :: (a -> b) -> (b -> b -> b) -> t a -> b
> ```
> The merge request also adds instances for everything non-empty in `base`.
> I propose the `Data.Foldable1` as the module name.
> `semigroupoids`[^ref6] uses `Data.Semigroup.Foldable`,
> but it's confusing; and using different name could help migration.
> The module contains five top-level functions, which should
> be self-explanatory:
> ```haskell
> intercalate1 :: (Foldable1 t, Semigroup m) => m -> t m -> m
> foldrM1 :: (Foldable1 t, Monad m) => (a -> a -> m a) -> t a -> m a
> foldlM1 :: (Foldable1 t, Monad m) => (a -> a -> m a) -> t a -> m a
> maximum1By :: Foldable1 t => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> t a -> a
> minimum1By :: Foldable1 t => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> t a -> a
> ```
> This is less than in `Data.Semigroup.Foldable`[^ref9],
> as without `Apply` they don't make sense.
> For example:
> ```haskell
> -- needs Apply, not in Data.Foldable1
> traverse1_ :: (Foldable1 t, Apply f) => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f ()
> ```
> And if we relax `Apply` to `Applicative`, we get `traverse_`.
> [^ref5]:
> [^ref9]:
> [^ref5]:
> Compatibility & migration
> -------------------------
> I drafted a compatibility package `foldable1` (github[^ref6],
> haddocks[^ref7]),
> which I hope could be maintained under organization.
> I can act as a maintainer, with a hope that there won't be a lot
> of changes happening in `Data.Foldable1`.
> To my surprise, there's already a package with this name on
> Hackage[^ref8] by
> M Farkas-Dyck (cc'd). I hope they would donate the name to /
> CLC;
> the package won't have any other good use when `Data.Foldable1` is in
> `base`,
> then act as a compat package.
> `Data.Foldable1` contains also instances for `Lift`, `Backwards` and
> `Reverse`
> data types from `transformers`. Perfectly, the `transformers` bundled
> with GHC with this change would implement the instances as well.
> This change should propage to `transformers-compat` too.
> Similarly, `containers` would have an instance for `Tree` (and non-empty
> `Set` and `Map` when they are added).
> `semigroupoids` would need a bit of work, to depend on `foldable1`,
> yet the public changes can be kept quite minimal.
> I don't think that anything in reverse dependencies of `lens` will be
> broken by
> this change, if "new" `Foldable1` is re-exported from `semigroupoids`'
> `Data.Semigroup.Foldable`[^ref9]
> Other "compat" packages -- like `tagged`, `bifunctors` -- have to be
> dealt with
> case by case. For example whether they should depend on `foldable1` or
> other way around.
> [^ref6]:
> [^ref7]:
> [^ref8]:
> [^ref9]:
> Unresolved questions
> --------------------
> - Should we add `Bifoldable1` too. That should be trivial.
> - GHC-8.10 freeze is quite soon, is targeting GHC-8.12/base-4.15 more
> realistic?
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