Proposal: composition util for Maps

David Feuer david.feuer at
Mon Jul 8 02:04:32 UTC 2019

If someone wants to play around with the caching idea, this is (at least
approximately) how I'd write it:

data Res c a
  = Hit !(Maybe c)
  | Miss !(Maybe c) a
  deriving Functor

compose bc ab = flip evalState Strict.empty $ traverseMaybeWithKey go ab
    go _ b = do
      cache <- get
      case Strict.alterF (update b) b cache of
        Hit mc -> pure mc
        Miss mc cache' -> do
          put cache'
          pure mc
    update b Nothing =
      let mc = lookup b bc
      in Miss mc (Just mc)
    update _ (Just mc) = Hit mc

On Sun, Jul 7, 2019, 1:49 PM David Feuer <david.feuer at> wrote:

> For what it's worth, I'm fairly confident that implementation is optimal,
> though I don't know how to even try to prove it. The only situation I see
> where we could obviously do better is when ab maps many keys to the same
> value and bc is very large compared to ab. In that case, it would make
> sense to store a "cache" of lookups into bc. But the constant factors for
> such an arrangement would be terrible, and there would be no benefit
> whatsoever in the general case. So I think the simple thing is the right
> thing here. As for names, I like compose. I support the proposal for the
> reason Alexandre gives: it feels like a fundamental operation.
> On Sun, Jul 7, 2019, 1:22 PM Alexandre Esteves <
> alexandre.fmp.esteves at> wrote:
>> In I proposed the
>> following util:
>> composition :: Ord b => Map b c -> Map a b -> Map a c
>> composition bc ab = flip mapMaybe ab $ flip lookup bc
>> Which has O(|ab| * log |bc|) performance. It's not particularly hard to
>> write, but it does feel like a primitive-ish operation, and it's not
>> obvious to me whether there's a faster implementation.
>> Other name suggestions
>> - (.)
>> - chain
>> - compose
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