Proposal: Formalise rules for how names are chosen for approved proposals

Daniel Cartwright chessai1996 at
Tue Mar 27 15:21:35 UTC 2018

I have noticed, and I say this with all due respect, that the members of
this Library Mailing List (LML) have on multiple occasions derailed
otherwise useful conversations over the choice of a name, which is a
wasteful use of our time and effort. Below is a rough sketch of how I
believe this issue could be addressed.

Phase 1: LML member proposes change to widely used library, such as base
Phase 2. Proposal is declined by the LML as being sufficiently useful - do
Phase 3. Proposal is approved by the LML - members of LML, for a period of
3 weeks, each get up to 3 picks for a name. At the end of the 3 week
period, the occurrence of each name is tallied. The name with the most
tallies, becomes the name.
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