What are the laws for Eq1, Eq2, Ord1, and Ord2?

David Feuer david.feuer at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 21:48:40 UTC 2018

I was looking at the Eq2 instances for Data.Map and Data.HashMap, and
the Eq1 instances for Set and HashSet, and I realized that they're a
bit ... weird. My instinct is to remove these instances immediately,
but I figure I should first check with the community (and Oleg, who
added them to begin with) to make sure they don't make some sort of
sense I don't understand. In particular, these instances compare keys
in the order in which they appear in the container. That order may be
completely unrelated to the given key comparison function.

Data.Map example: suppose I have a Map k () and a Map (Down k) (),
where Down is from Data.Ord. If I call liftEq2 (\x (Down y) -> x == y)
(==), I will get what looks to me like a totally meaningless result.

Data.HashMap example: suppose I have a HashMap Int () and a Hashmap
String (). If I call liftEq2 (\x y -> show x == y) (==), that won't
return True even if the strings in the second map are actually the
results of applying show to the numbers in the first map.

Intuitively, I think Eq1 f only makes sense if the shape of f x does
not depend on the values of type x, and Eq2 p only makes sense if the
shape of p x y does not depend on the values of types x and y. Is
there a way to formalize this intuition with class laws? I believe
that in the case of a Functor, parametricity will guarantee that

  liftEq eq (f <$> xs) (g <$> ys) == liftEq (\x y -> eq (f x) (g y)) xs ys

Are there *any* legitimate instances of Eq1 or Ord1 that are not
Functors? Are there *any* legitimate instances of Eq2 or Ord2 that are
not Bifunctors? My intuition says no. We might wish we could write
instances for unboxed arrays or vectors, but I believe that is totally
impossible anyway.


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