Package take over: OneTuple

Oleg Grenrus oleg.grenrus at
Fri Apr 13 12:28:05 UTC 2018

Hi all,

I tried to contact John Dorsey who is the sole maintainer of OneTuple
[1], but the stated email address (haskell at bounces back.

The last version of  OneTuple was uploaded "by JohnDorsey at Tue Mar 24
17:35:51 UTC 2009" - 9 years ago. OneTuple was working great so far, but
GHC-8.4.1 / base-4.11 introduced breaking change, which affects 
OneTuple too: Semigroup is now a superclass of Monoid. Therefore none of
OneTuple versions is GHC-8.4.1/base-4.11 compatible.

I'm a Hackage Trustee [1] and also a user of OneTuple package (though
not direct - it's in the transitive closure of Chart + diagrams), so I'd
like to see GHC-8.4 compatible OneTuple version soon.

The required changes are very small, see or more precisely this exact

I'd like to become (co-)maintainer of OneTuple. I have no other plans
than to keep it compiling with recent versions of GHC. Maybe I'll add
NFData (from `deepseq`) instance though.

Best Regards, Oleg Grenrus


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