Let's rework Data.Type.Equality.==
Richard Eisenberg
rae at cs.brynmawr.edu
Sat Aug 12 18:40:07 UTC 2017
Oops -- I guess that's true that your versions still rely on a non-linear pattern. I'm still fine with always using structural recursion, though.
> On Aug 11, 2017, at 8:28 PM, David Feuer <david.feuer at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Aug 11, 2017 9:39 AM, "Richard Eisenberg" <rae at cs.brynmawr.edu <mailto:rae at cs.brynmawr.edu>> wrote:
> But I wonder if we're better off dxaa aembracing the distinction between a reflexive (==) and a structurally recursive (==) and provide both, with different names.
> I don't think it would be bad to offer a canonical reflexive equality test. There are probably situations where having such a thing would be marginally useful. In particular,
> MyEqual a b ~ 'False
> isn't quite the same ass Alaska
> YourEqual a b ~ 'False
> even if the two type families are defined the same.
> Or, we could just decide to go with the structurally recursive one, which seems to be more useful, especially as I have become much more skeptical of non-linear patterns (necessary Aziz a a add as ad ahs asf as s for the reflexive (==)).
> I'm a bit fuzzy on this. Don't *both* of my versions rely essentially on nonlinear patterns to compare constructors? I suppose it might c always xd Hz
> In particular, I don't have a good story for how they would work in Dependent Haskell. Section 5.13.2 of my thesis (http://cs.brynmawr.edu/~rae/papers/2016/thesis/eisenberg-thesis.pdf <http://cs.brynmawr.edu/~rae/papers/2016/thesis/eisenberg-thesis.pdf>) contains some technical discussion of the challenges, but that section may not be digestible on its own.
> The point of difference between David's two proposed changes is extensibility: that is, could someone decide to have a custom equality operator on a user-defined type? This is indeed a reasonable thing to want -- for example, you could imagine a record system that stores names of fields and their types in a type-level list, but that list should really be regarded as a set. However, worms lurk under this stone. If we have a more flexible notion of equality, how can we be sure that this more inclusive equality is always respected? Specifically, you would want this: if (ty1 == ty2) and ty1 is substituted for ty2 in some context, everything still works. Sadly, there is no way to guarantee such a property. If (==) is to be useful in a type system, we would need such a guarantee. (By "useful", I mean that this is implementable: reifyEq :: ((a == b) ~ True, Typeable a, Typeable b) => a :~: b.) This brings us to the doorstep of higher inductive types -- a door that might be fun to enter, but is a long long way off.
> In sum, I argue for David's first, inextensible version.
> By the way, nothing about this requires TypeInType. If I had thought of David's version (that splits apart type applications) in 2013, I probably would have implemented (==) that way.
> Richard
>> On Aug 10, 2017, at 9:00 PM, David Feuer <david.feuer at gmail.com <mailto:david.feuer at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> I tend to agree with you, although I don't think () is a compelling argument. Rather, it reuses the name == that Haskellers are accustomed to defining flexibly. But for that same reason, as well as the convenience, I do think we should consider using a kind class. That way things at the type level look pretty much like they do at the term level.
>> On Aug 10, 2017 10:59 AM, "Ryan Scott" <ryan.gl.scott at gmail.com <mailto:ryan.gl.scott at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Personally, I'd be more inclined towards latter approach (in
>> https://phabricator.haskell.org/D3837 <https://phabricator.haskell.org/D3837>). After all, one of the key
>> properties of (==) (for which the Haddocks even make a special note)
>> is that it does not attempt to provide an instance that works for
>> every possible kind. Indeed, as you've discovered, there are cases
>> when it doesn't make sense to use DefaultEq, such as for ().
>> I'll tentatively give my support for D3837, although I'd be curious to
>> hear what Richard has to say about this (since I'm reasonably
>> confident he gave (==) its current implementation).
>> Ryan S.
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