Deriving length better: missing method problem
David Feuer
david.feuer at
Sun Apr 2 20:56:44 UTC 2017
GHC 8.4 DeriveFoldable will derive the definition of `null` rather
than falling back on the default. This can produce dramatic
performance improvements. I would like to do the same for `length`,
but unfortunately, there's a problem.
### Why I want to derive length
Consider the declaration
data Foo a = Foo (Map "String" a) (Set a)
A hand-written definition of `length` would look like this:
length (Foo m set) = length m + length set
This would produce an O(1) implementation of length, since Map and Set
are annotated with their lengths. But the default implementation of
length (which is what you get when you use `deriving Foldable`) would
instead produce
length foo = foldl' (\acc _ -> acc + 1) 0 foo
which is O(n). Gross.
### What's the problem?
There's no problem deriving length for Foo. The trouble comes when
trying to derive length for a recursive type.
data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
The most obvious implementation to derive would be
length Nil = 0
length (Cons _ xs) = 1 + length xs
but this is not tail recursive! That's absolutely no good. What we
*want* here is
length = lengthPlus 0
lengthPlus acc Nil = acc
lengthPlus !acc (Cons _ xs) = lengthPlus (acc + 1) xs
We actually could arrange for that in this case, since we see that a
`List` contains itself recursively. But what about *mutual* recursion?
data List2 a = Nil | Cons a (List2' a)
newtype List2' a = List2' (List2 a)
Now the deriving mechanism can't see the recursion, and everything is horrible.
### The simplest solution
It seems likely that the simplest solution would be what nobody really
wants: add yet another method to Foldable:
lengthPlus :: Int -> f a -> Int
lengthPlus n xs = n + length xs
We could derive efficient implementations of `lengthPlus` without any
particular difficulty.
### Alternatives?
I haven't thought of any plausible alternatives yet. Maybe someone else will.
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