Proposal reminder: Add functions to get consecutive elements to Data.List

Theodore Lief Gannon tanuki at
Thu May 19 18:33:50 UTC 2016

Whoops, responded privately (and also made a mistake I wanted to correct,
so I guess that works out). To the list this time:

I don't like using the 'zip' terminology here; I feel like that should be
reserved for multiple distinct data sources.

Why not 'map2'?

On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 4:32 AM, Johan Holmquist <holmisen at> wrote:

> Also these two were mentioned earlier (using zipConsecutivesWith):
>     -- fibonacci:
>     fibs = 1 : 1 : zipConsecutivesWith (+) fibs
>     -- get the edges of a closed path defined by points (ps):
>     edges ps = zipConsecutivesWith makeEdge (ps ++ take 1 ps)
> There are two things to decide:
> 1. Whether this should indeed be added to base (Data.List)
> 2. What names we should use in case of inclusion in base
> The proposed functions are:
>     zipConsecutives :: [a] -> [(a,a)]
> and
>     zipConsecutivesWith :: (a -> a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
> I would not object to some shorter names, such as zipConsecs,
> zipConsecsWith etc...
> 2016-05-19 7:37 GMT+02:00 David Feuer <david.feuer at>:
>> You promised a collection of use cases. I seem to have missed it. Could
>> you send the link again?
>> On May 19, 2016 1:35 AM, "Johan Holmquist" <holmisen at> wrote:
>>> The discussion period for this proposal is near (31 of May).
>>> So far I count 1 for and 2 against the proposal.
>>> Joachim Breitner made a good enumeration of some advantages of adding
>>> these to base. Here is an enumeration of pros:
>>> * Availability in Data.List gives this pattern a common name.
>>> * A common name for this makes code easier to read and decreases the
>>> risk of getting the definition wrong.
>>> * The argument won't have to be repeated, hence making it easier to
>>> chain the functions.
>>> * List-fusion potential.
>>> Tobias Florek pointed out that `zip <*> tail` can be used to define this
>>> inline without the need for repeating the argument and made a reference to
>>> the Fairbairn threshold. This is elegant, but I am afraid that people might
>>> consider this obscure code golfing if used.
>>> Cheers
>>> Johan Holmquist
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Henning Thielemann <lemming at>
>>> Date: 2016-04-13 13:28 GMT+02:00
>>> Subject: Re: Proposal: Add functions to get consecutive elements to
>>> Data.List
>>> To: Johan Holmquist <holmisen at>
>>> Cc: Haskell Libraries <libraries at>
>>> On Wed, 13 Apr 2016, Johan Holmquist wrote:
>>> It is not strictly more general because it cannot handle empty sequences.
>>> Think of it as if it handles the non-[] case.
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